Little fights

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Emily looked at her husband who was massaging her legs with some essentiall oils which will sooth her leg cramps that's what he says, but if she says honestly it does work perfectly for her aching legs. She was caressing her big six months belly while still looking at eric blankly whom seemed done with his massage and finally looked up at her.

"What?" He asked wiping his hands with towels placed beside.

"Are you sure you are not having an affair with other women?" She asked calmly making him sigh in frustration.

"Women! We have done talking about this thing over and over! Don't start this thing again and again... How many times I should tell you I'm not having any affair with anyone!?" He asked frustrated,this was the only thing happening from last two days. First he try to make her understand softly because of her mood swings but she was just talking about this for two whole days which started to play with his patience.

"But you have her smell!" Her voice was so soft that she will start cry anytime and hearing his angry voice, her calm tone seems to become soft itself.

His face soften looking at her "Babygirl,Couldn't you even differentiate smell between a fish and other person? I made a fish dish that day for you. You even eat it happily. But can't you difference between that fish and women perfume spray?" He asked in soft tone as possible but couldn't stop his laugh at end.

She slapped his arms for making fun of her but pouted "That's how I smell other women expect for my family and friends." She said looking down as if trying to say she was still sad.

"Who said I was with girl,huh? Here I'm massaging your legs and making food for you.. who dared to say that I'm seeing any women other than my wife? Tell me! I will kill that idiot!" He said showing up his fist as if he was gonna punch the that idiot right now.

Emily smiled at his answer but still put her head down "I saw you in a magazine cover saying that you have left me and went for other women and you even went to lunch to my restaurant, so I know you went with a lady.."

"Didn't that restaurant manager said that they were other males too. Even Ron was with me, wait I will call him right now..." He was about to get his phone but she stopped holding his hand.

"No need.." she mumbled.

"Then why are you fighting with me from past two days about it. Don't you trust me babygirl?" He asked cupping her face to which she instantly looked up with her almost filled with tears.

"It's not like that I love you and I trust you. That's why I didn't want you to call Ron." She said in hurry as if want him to believe her that she still trust him.


"I just don't trust myself. I don't find myself beautiful.. See, I look like a big drum roll, and I still have another three months for my delivery and I'm sure I will look like a big elephant! And I thought you will leave me too like they write on that stupid magazine. So I was pestering you... And if you find me annoying you can send me Mama's house and you don't have to see my fatself and I will come back after delivery... I heard they will be fat even after pregnancy and If you want I will go to gym- " she was cutoff by him.

"Don't you dare to complete sentence! What do you think I'm huh? Do you think I'm a bodylust bustard who only think about your body? Just because you gain weight doesn't mean I will leave you... I'm the reason for this, why would I leave you,?" He first time yelled at her making her cry uncontrollably. It was the first time he ever yelled this anger shouts on her,he will always gentle and calm with her but today he showed her new side she never saw before.

Hearing her cry uncontrollably made him feel guilty he took deep breaths before holding her in his arms kneeling beside her hugging and kissing "Sorry, babygirl... You know how much I love you! How can you think that I will leave you? You are my life and I won't ever leave or love anyone other than you. How can you think I leave when I can't even live a day without you.. I love you Emily..  You get into your thick small brain that I won't leave you and won't let you leave me... Now stop crying somuch it's not good for babies.stop crying.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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