Chapter 11 : The plan to wait for the right time

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Below the school, two people dropped in an abandoned chamber with a thud. Opening their eyes the first sight they saw was the enormous corpse of a huge snake. The body was laying there, rotting and smelly, possibly dead for years.

It was the chamber of secrets, Draco realised with a jolt.

The shock was evident in Draco's eyes as he looked around. He didn't know this place nor did he have even the slightest tinkling of where it might be. It was the snake corpse which gave him the actual clue as to where he was.

Looking around, he noticed the unmoving body of The Headmaster. Fearing for the elder's life, he got up and made his towards him.

The headmaster was still unconscious but the breath was weak. His condition was getting worse by the uneven beat of his pulse. With this, he also noticed the blackened corner of his lips and unnaturally greying skin.

Such effects are rarely caused due to spells and curses and are mostly due to poisons and potions as well as diseases.

How did he get those? Who poisoned him? Draco urgently needed to examine what kind of poison it was to make an antidote .

Draco slowly opened the headmaster's mouth to look at what he consumed to affect his health. Dipping the tip of his index finger inside, he collected the residue of a black-tinted transparent liquid.

He skeptically judged the liquid and tried to remember from his memory a similar potion.

The liquid, Draco noticed, had a peculiar smell, like burning and rotting flesh. Shockingly, he realised that it smelled the same as the draught of living death ! It was just that it seems to have stronger and more harmful effects than the draught of living death.

Without delay, Draco got the dried herbs and animal ingredients he had out of his ring. Gathering the ingredients together, Draco willed his magic to lift up the materials in air and finely crush them together. The plant and animal parts slowly mushed together forming a dough. Satisfied with the mixture, Draco then willed his magic to identify the useless particles and impurities in the mixture to seperate them. With a flick of Draco's wand, some red and black substances gradually started evaporating and coming out before dispersing in the air. These were the impurities. Now that the small mixture was clean and clear of side-effects, it was ready for consumption.

The round dough that now remained as small as a candy. Lifting it to the headmaster's mouth, he stuffed it inside before forcefully closing the jaw to make the headmaster swallow.

Sometime passed as Draco waited patiently for the pill to take effect. After some moments, The headmaster started coughing violently as a black slurry oozed from his nostrils. This was the poison that infected the headmaster that was forced out because of the healing effects of Draco's pill.

The coughs didn't stop for a while. Draco repeatedly patted the headmaster's with a hand as he was supporting him with the other. When the coughs receded, the headmaster fell unconscious again.

Draco huffed a long breath of relief. The headmaster's condition was stabilized for now but the hope that it would stay so for a while was dim. His hand was still in an infected condition. If it was not remedied soon then it can endanger his life.

For the time being, Draco sat down and surveyed his surroundings. How did he get here? He remembered clearly that he was pushed down the tower together with the headmaster. He had not even realised what had happened when he was suddenly flung forwards and was rapidly falling down. Just before they were about to hit the ground, they somehow aparated here. Did the headmaster do it ? Or was it someone else helping them ?

Was it....him?

It must be. Otherwise, who else knew about this other than him ? Even the headmaster himself didn't know. An intense jolt of happiness ran down Draco's body. A small smile lighted his face as his silver-blue eyes shone gratefulness and relief.

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