My stomach hurt so much!!!!! I was sweting!!!! it was so hot and hard!!!!! in few hour, in 3am I gave birth to HOT CHILD!!! (uwu)
''bab, luk at this child! so hawt rite?'' I looked at my whusband-wife, smjiriking.BOSNIA POV:
I was shocked and digusted, but I didn't care about the child. I picked up Serbia with his child and ran out of the window to the car. Then I threw the child on the car and started drivingh joem with it! Soon I pin'd Serbia to floor, we started having sex infront of our child. Soon I heard SERBIA MOANING LOUDER! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😃😃😃🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
I was feeling kinda.... pregnant. 😥😥😥😥😥😣😣😣😣
''Bosnia! I'm fat again''
when I said it, Bosnia punched my stomach. I vomit'd a baby. It was so disgusting that I burned it!
''Stupid child! Bosnia, let's pick up our favourite child and life a happy life in barney's sex world!'' after I said that we both ran to the rainbow and saw barney the dinosour. We had happy life with barney and out child! end!