~ Chapter 6 ~

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* Shelby's POV *

I woke up to being held in a tight grip by no other than Jorel. I was still shocked I got to stay. I was awake for about 10 minutes and I began tracing his tattoos. My favorite is the Italian flag he has on his arm... About 5 minutes later he was awake and took a shower, leaving me in the bunk room with Jordan, great.

* Jordan's POV *

"Well, well, well" I say, noticing J left Shelby in here alone. Should I tell her? I don't know if it's the right time.. "Hey" she says looking down at me. "Come down and plaaaayyyy" I say in a girly voice, making her chuckle. "Not with you!" She states childishly.. Mmmm.. I tried to do my best pout and fake cry. "Not working" she says turning away and crossing her arms. "Pweeeaaasssseee" I say, still being childish. "Fine!" She yells and she starts heading down the ladder.

* Jorel's POV *

What are they doing? Why's Jordan begging her to play? What kind of play? These questions kept going through my head as I was showering. Whatever. I'll find out soon.

* 30 minutes later *

I'm finally out of the shower and I'm all ready to go for the day. I frowned, thinking that Jordan may have done something to Shelby. I walked out the the main area with the TV's and shit, attempting to find those two.

I found them about 5 minutes later running around the tour bus. How I found out? I heard girl screams. And no, they weren't Shelby's. I went out to see what was going on and they both yelled at the same time "PAAARRRTTTAAAYYY" oh god, my ears!

I joined them with their party and we started playing hide and seek. That game always gets violent... It usually ends up with somebody fighting or crying. Pretty intense right? After that we played tag..

"Tag! Your it!" Shelby said, running past me. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" I yell, coming close behind her but not close enough to reach. Jordan came up behind me and tagged me. "I was already it dumbass" I state, wanting to facepalm. "Nooooo..." He snickers and runs away.

I was done with that game so I went back inside and left them to have fun. I wonder where the rest of the guys are..?

I chose to call Dylan because he always answers, even if he's high or drunk. (J~Jorel D~Dylan)

D~ hello?
J~ hey, where are you guys?
D~ I have no clue dude. Matt and Danny are getting freaky and Ava and George and sitting together making spaceship noises
J~ k. When will you be back to the bus?
D~ no clue. Why?
J~ just wanted to know. Bye
D~ Bye

After the call ended I went back out and they were laying on the grass together talking. Oh no... I can't let him take her.. This can't be happening!

* Shelby's POV *

I have a weird feeling about this.. Jordan told me we needed to talk and now I'm scared. He's like the big brother I always wanted instead of those assholes I have at home. I hope this isn't bad...

"Shelby, we need to talk." He started off saying. Oh no.. Saying it twice? This can't be good.. "I wanted to tell you that-" he was cut off by J storming over and interrupting him. "Don't you dare say it!" He yelled at Jordan. What the hell is going on? "Shelby, come inside. I need to talk to you." He says, grabbing my arm making me stand up. Jordan looked so sad like he was about to cry.. Why? I reluctantly followed J and left Jordan there. Poor dude.

"Shelby, I like you. I like you a lot." He says talking at the speed of light. Wait a minute. Did he just say he likes me? Me of all people? No. He can't. "No.. I think you're mistaken." I state while trying to hold back the thoughts of him actually saying that. "It's true.. I have since we met.. To prove it I'll do this" he said. Before I could think his lips crashed to mine and it took me a second to kiss back, but I did. Is it bad that I was enjoying this so much?

* Jorel's POV *

Oh my god.. Am I actually kissing her? What do I do? I didn't mean to do this! I mean.. I wanted to but i didn't think I would actually do it! I pull away slowly, catching my breath. I stare straight into her beautiful eyes.. I want her. I need her. "I think I love you" was all I could manage to spit out. "I think I love you too" she said, still shocked by what happened.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed! I can't wait to get further into the story.. I have great ideas! See ya later! Stay undead :)

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