Part 1 - goodbye home

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The floor is cold, why am I sitting on it then? I press my legs even closer to my chest staring blankly at a wall. I shake my head to escape my own trans as I finally am able to lift myself of the ground, it's very hard. My body feels so heavy, like I was wrapped in chains. My breath is taken out of me as if I was drowning even tho I'm very cable of breathing just fine.
I look outside the window, the sun slightly shining through into my small 1 room apartment.
The light outside is so pretty but why don't I feel anything, my frown growing on my face. I shake my head once again as if I was trying to shake those thoughts out of my ears. I sight and look at my phone. Walking to my bed with heavy steps before sitting down.

I look through my Instagram feed before going to my profile, I stare at my latest picture. I haven't posted anything in 2 months now. How could I, I feel disgusting and gross I don't want anyone to see my body right now. I slightly claw at my hand as I'm once again lost in thought shaking it off once more.
I can't! I need to go outside I haven't left my apartment for two weeks and I barely even have groceries left. I take a deep breath in and out slowly calming my mind and feeling as if I am getting closer to some freedom from my own mind.

Okay, okay. I'll go for a small walk today. Clear my head. So that I can tomorrow have enough strength to go to the store. I quickly grab everything I need to go outside: keys, phone, and headphones. I put on my oversized baby blue jacket, it paired well with my dark blue skirt and pastel purple sweater. I give myself a pat on the back and a small smile. 'Well done good girl' I tell myself to get my mind on something more positive. I get everything and stop in front of the door, my heart starts to raze and I feel I can't breath. I do my best to keep calm as I slip on my headphones and walk out the door, remembering to lock before I leave.

Walking on the fallen autumn leaves I listen to them crinkle under me. Going to the more quiet side of town was a good idea, I don't feel I need to wear headphones either. I give of a small smile as I kick the leaves while I walk, starting to finally after such a long time my littlespace slightly come out. I can feel it deep in my heart and in the back of my head, the giggle the happiness the pure joy of life. I almost feel like crying too, but there is nothing like always. Although the little feeling in the back of my head doesn't leave, as I continue to kick the leaves I notice I big. No, huge mountain of leaves. I can't resist. My eyes and mind going from being focused on the ground now has my focus on the big pile of leaves. I run towards it as fast as I can and jump into it, leaves both going everywhere but also staying in place. I smile and slightly laugh, as I'm finally being pulled out of my laser focused vision to notice someone across the street looking at me.
My brain panics, I get up and brush myself off quickly, brushing through my short hair as well to make sure I get it all off. I look up at him still staring, as if he was just as much in a trance state as I was before.

"I'm sorry!" I slightly yell over tensing up and I turn around and start to move away. I quickly turn the corner and slide my headphones back on before I feel my heart beat faster as if it will jump out of my chest, I lean against a stone fence beside me. Once again taking deep breaths in and out to calm myself down. Closing my eyes in the process.

1.. breath in
2... breath out

1... breath in
2... breath out..

I mind slowly starting to calm it's again, I open my eyes slowly. Giving a small smile before I feel something swiftly wrap around my neck, I start to panic instantly swinging my arms back and kicking my legs forward as if trying to just run away. The grip becomes tighter as if a snake wrapped itself around my neck, my vision started to blur and I became desperate as I clawed at the noisy jacket from the owners arm.

"Ssssh, calm down, relax. Ssssh I'm here, I got you. I won't hurt you" I hear from whoever is holding me close by my ear whisper to me, a deep but calm voice. In any other circumstance that would be a voice I'd find comforting.

I try to tell tell the man what he is doing is hurting me, or even just scream. Why is no one around? Why can't anyone see this? Why am I alone..?
Maybe I deserve this.

My mind feels as if some type of white static is wrapped around it more and more, until my vision has given up and I slip..

Okay I do want to mention some things before continuing the story. I'm not the best writer, I actually am really bad at writing from a professional standpoint. And I absolutely appreciate all and every critic towards both parts of the story, but especially my writing ability. Like if a sentence doesn't make sense so on.

Also the story is mostly just for fun, I won't always stick to something that is 100% realistic, even if I will cover some serious themes at times. It's all just fun for myself and others that are either Littles or Daddy doms who also like the abduction and seduction kink haha.

I also want to mention I don't condone or want to romantic the themes, this is mostly just a fantasy for enjoyment of the kinky lifestyle. I definitely wouldn't want these things to really happen to me or anyone else.
Because consent is the most important part of a good D/s relationship.
Don't kidnap your Littles.
life isn't 50 shades of fuckery.

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