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1:35 ──────ㅇ───────── 3:47
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

The trees were newly clothed with the pure white fairytale that fell from heaven, the lands were covered as the snow slowly danced as it cascaded to the ground, the ground looking almost perfect as the children stared at it with awe.

Their eyes were widened at the fantasy, it would rarely snow there but when it did it was a celebration on its own. They stood by the window with their noses squished to the windows.

"LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO." The chocolate haired boy ran to the door while his mother tried stopping him. He opened the door and the millions of snowflakes ran through, his smile never faltering as his eyes expanded with glee, they were filled with hope and bliss. The boy had been completely entranced by the wonders that the clouds would give.

"Eren sweetie, you're going to get sick." His mother walked over to the boy and wrapped multiple blankets around him, completely covering him and hiding most of his face.

"HA, YOU LOOK LIKE A BURRITO." The young girl laughed loudly at his friend making a small pout grow on his face.

"Don't worry you're my cute little burrito." His mother squished his cheeks with one of her hands as a bigger pout settled itself onto his mouth. The young girl stared at the two in envy and longing, she wished that she would one day have this relationship with her mother but alas she was born into a world where she didn't receive such treatment. She took every opportunity she had to spend with the teal eyed boy, he was her escape and she was his.

"F/n let's go outside." He grabbed his friend's hand and dragged her to the hangers full of coats and gave her mittens, scarf, hat and jacket. Carla smiled at his caring son, she didn't know he cared this much about the h/c haired girl.

Carla helped the two get dressed and they both stood with wide, closed-eyed smiles, she couldn't help but take a picture to save the memory and smile with pure happiness.

"Okay, you both can leave now, make sure you're both safe."Eren quickly kissed his mother's cheek before grabbing f/n's hand and running out of the house.

"WOAH!" The children stood on the fresh blank pieces of paper, their footsteps became the new ink that would stay on the heavenly frozen tears.

Hand in hand they walked down the path that led to a giant park, which they would spend the rest of the day at. Eren looked at his friend and looked at her wide smile, soft crinkles at the edge of her eyes and snow lightly falling onto the beanie she was wearing. He felt heat flush his cheeks and shook his head to make it go away.


They started rolling balls of snow to make their snowman, occasionally starting snowball fights but they stared at their final product but the e/c eyed girl couldn't help but grimace at it. It didn't look like a snowman at all, the sticks were on its head and it was slowly falling apart but Eren didn't care, he was proud of his masterpiece.

"It looks cool."

"No, it doesn't."

He didn't notice the polaroid camera in his pocket. "F/n go stand next to the snowman so I can take a picture." She reluctantly stood beside it and gave the most cheesy smile she could do.


"Let's make snow angels now."

They laid in the clouds glitter and tried making the best snow angels they could and eventually they both got tired and stayed in the starfish position.

𝙏𝙊𝙊 𝙁𝘼𝙎𝙏 (𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙉.𝙔)Where stories live. Discover now