CHAPTER THREE | i get a robot as a new coworker

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CHAPTER THREE | i get a robot as a coworker

CHAPTER THREE | i get a robot as a coworker

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Not The Only One - Madalen Mills (Jingle Jangle)


"When life gives you lemons, freeze them and throw them at the people who are making your life difficult."

Edit: I've made myself a green ninja sharpener ☝️


People don't talk to me unless they wanted something. They want me to set them up with a date, they want a pencil, blah, blah, blah. Even Mina does it. In her case, she always wants me to clean the bathroom. Which was so rude because I'm pretty sure most of those hairballs were from Kat.

Anyways, there I was, sitting in my desk chair criss-cross-applesauce and attempting to appear serious and intimidating. My face contorted into questionable expressions as I attempted to do that stone-cold glare people do. Zane was starting to stare so I quickly stopped.

"Sooooo..." I drew out the word nice and long. For good measure, I made a nice popping noise with my lips at the end. "What has brought you to this creepy corner of the universe?"

Zane thought for a moment, considering his words carefully in a way I never did. Huh. Maybe that's why people don't like me.

"I am starting an experiment and I was hoping you would be my partner in this project," Zane explained carefully.

I snorted loudly. When he didn't yell: "SIKE!" or laugh in my face, I paused. Zane gave me a look of confusion as I pointed a finger at me. "Hold on- you aren't kidding?"

He shook his head. I snorted again. "I'm sorry, but I am one of the worst possible choices. I can't even light a bunsen and burner."

To those who do not know what a bunsen and burner is go back to high school and find the thing that lights up into flames. When you find it, steal it from the naive high school student using it, and then toss it into flesh-eating acid.

"This experiment does not require any of the laboratory tools from a science lab," Zane told me, uncomfortably, his striking blue gaze moved to my messily made bed.

I placed my feet back onto the ground, pushing off and spinning around in my chair. "I'm not that good at math either. I mean, I know ten plus ten equals twelve but the big fancy formulas don't exactly come naturally."

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