meeting ms. clumsy

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Dear diary.. or something like that..

Yesterday was my 15th birthday and my brother gifted me this journal, telling me that I sucked at talking about my feelings and that this might help.. like gee thanks man how nice.. I mean he's right but still!

Sooo I guess I should introduce myself then.

Hi I'm Lily Agreste, yes that Agreste, yes as in Adrien Agreste, I'm his twin sister, never heard of me?

I'm not surprised, Rie's the one that everyone knows, I dont mind though I dont really like the fame and attention, I model for father sometimes and go to special events but thats about it, its all just a tad too overwhelming for me.

There is an exception where I love the attention though, where I can just be myself without holding back, when I'm cat noir.. yeahh so I'm a female superhero... surprise.

Turns out karma is real, one time I helped this old man after he fell over, turns out he wasnt just any regular old man.

His name is master Fu and he's the one that gave me my miraculous, the miraculous of the black cat which grants the power of destruction... and a cheese addicted kwami, his name is Plagg and he's an amazing friend.. a little weird sometimes but he's great.

When I first got my miraculous Plagg explained everything.. well he was going to.. once he told me all I had to say to transform was "claws out" I got a little excited and immediately transformed, missing a big part of the information, however I did catch that I would have a partner.

As if I'd been doing this for years I jumped out the window and used my stick to go from rooftop to rooftop. As I was walking across my stick getting over to the other side of the street something red dropped from the sky and before I knew it I was tangled up in a yoyo hanging upside down.

When I opened my eyes they were met with gorgeous blue ones. We both got down and I introduced myself to my new partner, she was incredibly clumsy and clearly embarrasses by it but I thought it was absolutely adorable.

We had no time for small talk though since we had to you know.. save Paris and all.

When we defeated the villian and I got back home I couldnt stop thinking about those eyes.. those gorgeous, blue bell eyes.. man Ladybug is amazing..

Then Plagg started laughing at me and calling me a simp! He's crazy, I'm not simping over a girl I just met!

Anyways tomorrow I start my first day of school, well real school, I've been to school before.. no I havent. Ugh I hate words, I was homeschooled with Adrien but, no more! Now I finally get to makes some friends besides my lame ass brother and his stuck up friend Chloe, like honestly how is he friends with such a brat?

I love you Rie but you're an idiot for hanging out with her, so you better find some new friends. Though he better not take all the girls for himself and leave some for me. Oh yeah probably should've mentioned.. I'm like so gay dude you have no idea like for real just ✨women✨.. amazing.

Anyways I should probably go to sleep now, big day tomorrow you know.

Xx lils

Diary of Lily AgresteWhere stories live. Discover now