Not Matt

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One of the Knights of Ren slept on the couch. The other, you discovered, was in the middle of the hallway. This you learned when you tripped on him on the way to the bathroom. You apologized, used the facility, and then asked the man if he wouldn't like to sleep in your bed. He reluctantly agreed, possibly mostly due to the fact that he was tired and you were practically shoving him into your room. Once you had him tucked in, you tiptoed over to Kylo Ren's room. He had closed his door, as had you before, because of your disagreement earlier that had resulted in the death of the fish. You tried the door, found that it was unlocked, and entered. Kylo immediately shifted over to allow you some room when you started to climb into bed with him. The two of you laid with your backs to one another, and after a while you managed to fall asleep again.

In the morning, you found that a multitude of messages had been sent to you regarding how badly people felt that you and Matt were being separated. You sighed and wondered how you were going to get through the day. Apparently the radar technician was set to leave the following day. You had not realized how hard it would hit you. Despite the fact that Matt was really Kylo Ren, and the Force user was not going anywhere, you found yourself feeling rather depressed. There would be no more sneaking into closets. No more random visits with Emry and Koviak as a couple.

We only went on one date too, you thought, resting your chin on the edge of your data pad. Behind you, Kylo Ren was rising from his bed at last. He dressed then left, informing you that he would ensure you could use your room to get ready for the day as well. You were grateful that you would not be the one to kick the other Knight out of your bed. You did not want to seem rude.

When you heard the three Knights of Ren in the kitchen together, you shuffled to your bedroom and quickly dressed. After grabbing a quick bite to eat, you said a quick farewell to the Knights. You started to go on about your day as best you could without thinking of the fact that Matt—fake, lovable, sex god Matt—was going away.

Thus, when the faux blonde showed up beside you around lunchtime, you were taken off guard. You blinked, did a double-take, and stared at the man. He was simply standing there to your left. You proceeded forward, and found that he followed you without a word. "Uhm... Hey."

"Hey." You could almost describe his tone as somber. He was always relaxed in a way when he spoke as Matt—well, except for when he was pissed off and yelling. Right then, however, he was more hesitant than usual. "Did... Did you eat lunch?'

"N... No," you said, hesitating and looking at him.

"Okay. We have..." He seemed to do a quick calculation in his head. "Ninety-eight minutes."

"We can do it in less," you said, gesturing towards the nearest closet.

His lips twitched, however Matt did not fully smile or smirk. "No. For lunch. It won't be... It will be, uh, casual." When you realized he was informing you that he was taking you out for lunch, you felt your cheeks heat up. A swirl of emotions wormed its way inside of you. Giddiness was the predominate sensation. You quickly completed the task you had been working on then followed Matt down the hallway.

The place he took you to eat at was a small diner-esque location that had been added to Starkiller when officers had requested a place to do minor work while enjoying a meal. The patrons were dressed in uniform, which made it to where you did not feel out of place in your current attire. You and Matt were seated in a booth, across from one another. The menu was small, only a few items on it. That did not matter. You were too wrapped up in the thought that Kylo Ren had made it a point to go on another date with you as Matt before said technician disappeared. It was...sweet.

"Koviak and Emry want to have a going away dinner." He was looking over the menu as he spoke. You hummed, hoping he would take the hint and continue. "I told them no."

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