(Redone) Chapter 4

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When the switch on the back of my neck is turned, I don't turn off. I don't go to sleep.

I'm blinded. I'm paralyzed. I'm fully awake, trapped inside of my own body with nowhere else to go. All I can do is hear, and feel.

And... Why? I look disgusting, and I never knew - My face is a screen?! I THOUGHT I WAS NORMAL!

But, Y/N's reassuring words when he helped me... It made me calm. It made me happy. I don't even know what to say...

Your POV

You run back home through the trail, breathing heavily carrying the protogen over your shoulder.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" You repeat to yourself as you run down the trail, trying not to lose your balance.

It's only been one day since I met this girl! ONE DAY! What was wrong with her face?!

You forcefully open the back door and lay her on a table. "You're... Gonna be fine..." You pant as you check the protogen for any injuries.

The only real damage you can see is that a wire is ripped from her head, and the visor is a bit loose.

Is... Is There something under there?

You shake the thought off and put the wire back in it's place. "There. You should be fine now." You say, still catching your breath.

You reach for her neck to turn her back on, but your hand freezes. This can't be a good idea.

She'll hurt herself again!

She'll hurt ME!

You take a deep breath and inch your hand closer to her neck.

But I have to. I.. just want a friend.

You push the switch and step back, not wanting to be in harm's way.

The Protogen's visor suddenly flashes to life, and she sits up.

"Are you okay?" You ask her, hoping she won't hurt herself again.

"No." She sighs, jumping down from the table. "I look so weird! Why am I like this?!"

"I don't know." You say, trying to be nice. "Why does it even matter?"

You can hear her growling. "It's not that b-"

"MY FACE IS A SCREEN, Y/N!" She cries out. She punches the wall with immense force, causing cracks to show.

"What are you doing?!" You raise your voice. "You look perfectly fine!"

"W.. What?" She looks at you, her fist still touching the wall. "I look... Fine?"

"Yes, you look fine!" You tell her. "You look better than fine!"

"But... My.." She lowers her fist and looks at her paw in complete shock.

"It's okay." You walk up to her, trying to make her feel better. "Everything's- Oh."

Her paw is dripping blood.

"I'll.. go get something." You tell her, trying to keep your cool.

You grab a loose box of bandages from the closet as fast as you can, and run back over to the protogen. She's sitting on a chair, trying to control the blood coming out of her paw, with a pained expression on her visor. "Don't worry, I've got something!" You call out to her, holding up a box of bandages. Looking at the damage, her knuckles were bleeding. A lot.

You grab a few bandages and try your best to get the adhesive off your fingers, before placing them all slowly on each knuckle. "Those will stop the blood from coming out." You tell her, hoping to ease her mind at least a little bit. "You should probably lay down."

You lead her to the couch in the living room, and she lays down on it, with her right arm laying on her chest, staying as still as possible to try and not cause any more pain.

"What... Should we do now..." She says, trying to ease the pain coming from her hand.

"I know! Let's watch a movie." You walk over to the TV stand and look in the pile of DVDs, trying to find something that isn't too bloody or explicit. You pick out a movie named Lovers in Paradise.

This is a good movie. Hopefully she likes it.

You slide the disc into the player and sit yourself down on a chair.

"So, um..." You try and think of a good conversation starter. "What's your name?"

"They called me Snow, because of my fur." She speaks softly.

"They?" You ask, wondering who she was talking about.

"Them." She says with an angry tone.

"Um, okay... Is it fine if I call you Snow?" You ask.

"Yes." The newly-dubbed Snow replies, looking back at the TV as the movie begins.

It's a pretty standard Romance movie, about a couple stuck on some tropical island. You watched it once, and remembered it was just okay.

You and Snow both watched through it normally, until the couple both shared their love for each other.

"I love you, Sarah." A man says sensually, looking into a woman's eyes.

"I love you too." The woman says back, before going in for a long, drawn out kiss. You didn't react at all, but Snow sits up and stares at the TV with wide eyes. Has she never seen a kiss before? I mean, I did just unbox her yesterday.

"What are they doing?" Snow asks you.

"They're kissing. They love each other." You tell her.

"Love?" She tilts her head, confused.

"When two people like each other a lot, so much that they always want to be together, that's love." You explain, trying to make it as simple as you could.

"Oh... Okay.." It seems like she understands it now.

For the rest of the movie, Snow was staring at the TV, intrigued and completely focused for every second. She cheered when they both succeeded, gasped when they failed. All the while, you were dozing off on the chair, trying to get back the hours of sleep you lost laying on that couch. But it really wasn't working.

And when the couple shared their final kiss, the credits started to roll.

"Wow..." Is the only word that comes from her. She notices you half asleep on the couch, and walks over, trying to wake you up.

You open your eyes to be greeted by Snow's visor, staring straight into your eyes.

"Y/N?" She says, poking at your face.

"Huh?" You ask, sitting back up on the chair.

"Could we watch another one? Please?" She asks with her soft voice.

"Fine." You groan, standing up and ejecting the movie out of the player. You fish out another romance movie from the stack of discs and put into the tray. "Have fun. I'm gonna go take a nap." You yawn, and walk upstairs to get your much needed sleep.

"But..." Snow's voice echoes across the room, without anyone hearing.

But I wanted to watch the movie with him... Y/N... I've only met him yesterday, and I feel so warm when I'm around him..

Is this love?

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