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I'm quickly and roughly shakes awake by my sister.

"Cassy, Cassy. Get up!" I groan and rub my eyes.

"What's up?". She pulls the blankets off of me.

"You got the job!" I sit up in bed.


"Yea, but they want you to come in in an hour because they're about to get super busy. They say to be thirty minutes early so you can get your uniform on." I jump out of bed and race into the bathroom. I quickly pull on leggings and a tank top and pull my hair into a pony tail. I run back into the room and start quickly digging around for a pair of my sister's black socks. I quickly pull them on. I them put on my black tennis shoes and run out the door.

I run through the door at McDonalds at exactly 8:30. A tall man walks up to me carrying a Walmart sack with my name on it. He looks at me and smiles.

"Are you Cassandra Williams?" I nod and he sticks his hand out to me. "Hello. I'm Jamin. I'm gonna be your crew trainer." He hands me the bag. "Go into the bathroom and put these on. Make sure you tuck your shirt in." I do what he asks, and he smiles at me again when I come back. "Ok. If you don't mind, I need you to go ahead and clock in so that you can watch the first training video before we get busy.". He takes me over to one of the registers and shows me how to clock in. He then takes me to a small room with two tables, five chairs, and a desk with a computer on it in it. He shows me which video to watch, then leaves me to watch it.

Sorry it's so short. Some guy drove into a telephone pole and knocked out our Internet for the next couple days so I'm writing and my phone which takes longer, and I want to try to update every night so I'm sorry.

Cassandra's Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now