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I sigh as I change back into my leggings and tank top in the bathroom. There was a basketball tournament at the college today, and we were nonstop busy. I strap back on my watch and sigh. It's 5:17 meaning I was here for almost nine hours. I put my uniform back in the Walmart sack before slowly dragging myself back to my sisters dorm. When I finally get in, I plop down on her bed and sigh.

"Rough day?" I turn to see Makayla's brother, Kay, sitting on his sister's bed.  I sigh again.

"I've been working there for a week, and I already hate it."  He laughs and I death stare at him.

"Don't worry.  When you get your first pay check, it'll all be worth while."  I sigh yet again.

"It better be.  I'm technically working full time even though I'm not supposed to be.  I'm not gonna tell anyone.  I need the money.  I can't stay here much longer.  Their next door neighbor is starting to get suspicious already."  My sister and Makayla walk through the door, and Katie smiles at me.

"Hey Cassy.  How was work?"  I groan and bury my face into her pillows.  She laughs and sits down next to me.  She starts rubbing my back.  "It'll get better, Cassy."  I groan again.

"It better."  She laughs.

"It will.  So, what do you guys want for dinner?" Kay looks at me and smiles.

"McDonalds!"  I pick up one of Katie's pillows and chuck it at him.


I watch as Kay finishes putting all of his things in his bag.  Katie and Makayla had taken his things down to Katie's car.  We're gonna pick up my pay check on the way to take Kay home.  He smiles up at me as he puts his last shirt in his bag.

"So, you excited for your first ever paycheck?"  I sigh as he throws his nag on his sister's bed and sits down next to me.

"I guess."  I start looking through the classifieds again, looking for a place to stay.  Kay looks over my shoulder. 

"Your not gonna find anything in there.  By the time the paper prints it, it's already gone.  That's the problem living in a college town."  I groan and throw the paper down.

"Well, then what do you suggest I do?"  He laughs.

"One of my roommates just moved out.  You can come stay with me.  You'll get your own room and everything."  I raise my eyebrow at him.

"I feel like you're joking."  He shakes his head.

"I'm not.  It's a three bedroom house, and we just split all the bills three way.  Well, two ways currently, but you get the idea.  What do you say?"

"I don't know how my sister would feel with me living with two guys."

"I already talked to her about it.  She said it was fine."  I take a deep breath.

"How much would it cost?"  He runs his hand through his hair.

"About $100 once a month, give or take a few dollars."  I can't believe my ears.

"It sounds too good to be true."

"It's not.  So, what do you say?  It's not that much further away from your work than this is.  Plus, I have a car, so I could take you if you honestly couldn't walk it." I sigh.

"It sounds great."

"So, Yes?"

"Yea.  Sure."  He smiles as mine and his sisters walk back in.  Katie smiles at Kay.

"What'd she say?"

"She said yes, of course." I laugh and shake my head.  Katie smiles at me.

"Good.  I have your bag packed already." I raise my eyebrow.

"Eager to get rid of me, much?"  She laughs.

"No.  I just know you're eager to leave."  She tosses me the bag as Kay grabs his, and we all head out Katie's car.


Hey guys!  Sorry it's been so long.  I've been busy with the ACT's, Scholar Bowl, and WYSE.  Anyway, don't forget to check out the companion series: Trying to Hide the Obvious and The Truth About Love.  Anyway,Happy Reading!

Cassandra's Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now