Locking eyes

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(Just pretend you're 18)
You wake up in the morning and start craving Starbucks. So you brush your teeth, take a shower and then get dressed.
*You get to Starbucks* You walk into the door and see him. The man of your dreams sitting at a table with his pumpkin hot chocolate order. Duke and you look at each other and stare. "Omg ! Is this real  ? The man of my dreams !?" You think to yourself. After you get your order, duke tells you to come at the table he's sitting at. "Omg ! He's talking to me !" You think to yourself. Then you and duke start to know each other more. "Oh by the way, I'm duke !" He says. Then you say "Hi ! I'm y/n ! Nice to meet you duke !" Duke then says "can I have your number ? So we can talk more." You then nod your head yes and think to yourself "OMG THIS IS NOT REAL !" So you guys switch numbers. Then duke gets up and says " It was nice meeting you y/n !" Then he says "Call me" smirks, winks, and walks out and gets into his Tesla. You then scream in your head. Then you get into your car and say "AHHHH OMG I FINALLY MET THE MAN OF MY DREAMS !!!!"

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