Chapter 2: The Investigation Begins

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    Me and team RWBY were sitting in Ports class as he was rambling on about something I wasn’t sure of. I was sitting with Weiss watching the clock for class to end. Then Jaune leans over to Weiss and starts talking to her. “So uh Weiss, I was thinking after this we could go grab a bite to eat, And I’ve got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie if you want to go see it.” Jaune tells her as we continue to watch the clock. “And then after that we could maybe study together. Because you're smart and i’m you know.” he says as the clock finally hit 4 and I stand up ready to leave. I jumped over the desks and out the door. “It feels good to be able to move like this again.” I said as I continued running down the hallway.

    It was a little bit later in the day and I was waiting for Team RWBY to change. After about 5 minutes the door opens and I see that it was Blake wearing a white crop top, Black pants and belt, and she had black wrapping around her forearm. “Ready?” I asked as she nodded and I pushed off the wall and walked into the room. I got into the room and closed the door. “I thought that class would never end.” Blake says as I adjust my zipper to be about halfway zipped up. “Alright guys today’s the day. The investigation begins.” Ruby says jumping down from her bed with a huge smile on her face. “Glad to see we're taking this so seriously.” Weiss says as I smiled. “Hey we have a plan, that’s moderately serious.” Yang says as I laugh. “Right everyone remember their rolls?” Ruby asked as Weiss gets up and walks over to me. “Me and you are heading to the CCT to check the schnee records for any other dust robbery’s or inconsistencies, seeing as I'm in the family it shouldn’t be a problem.” Weiss says as I look at Blake. “The White Fang have regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in I can hopefully find out what they're planning.” Blake says as we look to Yang. “I have a friend in the shady part of town that knows everything that’s going on in Vale getting information out of him shouldn’t be too hard.” Yang says as they look at me. “And I'm here for back up so if at any point any of you guys need me just call me.” I said as they nod. “Great then we’ll meet up by Yang to go over what we found. Let’s do this.” Ruby says as we nod to her. Suddenly we were a voice from the window. “Yeah.” After that we looked to see Sun. “Sun?” I asked as he waves at us. “How did you get up here?” Yang asked him. “Ah it’s easy I do it all the time.” He says as I power up. “YOU WHAT?” I yelled out as he gets scared. “I climb trees.” He says as I calm down. “You lucky.” I said as he swings into the room. “So are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy, and that crazy lady that attacked you.” He says as I scuff. “They are going after torchwick, I’m dealing with Ash.” I said as I had a bit of venom in my voice. “Sorry Sun we don’t want to drag friends into this if we don’t need to.” Ruby says as he points at me. “At this point i’m everything but assigned to this team and dorm.” I tell them as he nods but laughs. “That’s stupid, you should always get friends involved, that’s why I brought Neptune.” Sun says as we run to the window and we looked out to see Neptune on the building. “Hey.” He says as I grab him and pull him into the room. “Ok so Sun you can go with Blake and Neptune you can go with Yang since she doesn’t have a partner.” She says pushing Neptune over to Yang and something just dawned on me. “Wait, your friend is Junior isn’t it?” I asked as she was surprised but nodded. “Welp I'm going with Yang.” I said as I pulled out bunny ears and put them on Neptune and push him with Blake and Sun. “Neptune goes with them.” I said as I walked out of the room. “Lets go Yang.” I said going down the hall with Yang right behind me.

    I was on the back of Bumblebee looking behind us and Yang was driving to Jr’s when a thought crossed my mind. “I STILL HAVEN’T GOTTEN MY MASK BACK FROM RUBY!” I yelled out as Yang laughed. “You keep forgetting to ask.” She says as I laugh. “Yeah bad thing is that she is always wearing it so i’m always looking at it.” I said as we finally started getting into the rundown part of town. “Were definitely getting close.” I said to Yang as it was getting dark out. After about another 20 minutes we pulled up to Jr’s bar and it was finally dark out. “Alright let's go.” Yang says as I jump off her bike and we head into the bar.

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