Prologue: Back Up Again, Food Fight

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    I woke up and saw that it was about lunch so everyone else would be at the cafeteria. “Well Ozpin gave me permission to be able to walk around today so I'm going to go meet up with everyone else.” I said standing up and putting on my boots and gauntlets. “Does Ruby still have my mask?” I asked myself as I shrugged and walked out of the infirmary and towards the cafeteria. Once I got outside people were surprised to see me. “Well I was out for about 2 weeks so I would be surprised as well.” I said as I saw a monkey tail that I knew pretty well along with a new person with bright blue hair. “Ah someone I know.” I said as I jogged up to them. “Hey Sun.” I said as he turned around and saw me and smiled. “Oh Neptune this is the guy I told you about that used my weapons like a natural and saved me and the others.” He says as I looked at his friend and we nod to each other. “I’m Curtis.” I said to him, “Neptune.” He says as we continue to walk. “Well I'm hungry not eating an actual meal for two weeks does that to you.” I say as Sun nods. “I think they are in the cafeteria.” Sun says to me as I nod and we stand in front of the doors. “Just inside here and I'm really excited for you to meet them so be cool. You're going to be cool right?” Sun asked Neptune as Neptune struck a pose. “Dude.” He says smiling at us. “He seems like he’s going to be cool.” I said to Sun as he nodded. “Yeah I agree.” He says as I push open the cafeteria doors.

    Once I opened it I was shocked to see what was going on inside. “Um food fight?” I asked. I looked to Sun to see that he had the stupidest grin on his face. “Yeah figured that would be your reaction.” I said looking to Neptune to see him confused. “Believe me when I say this is normal for our group.” I said to him and looked forward to see that Nora was standing on top of some sort of fortress of tables. “I’m queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle.” Nora yells out as me and Sun put our hands under our chin and cross an arm over our chest and nod. “Interesting.” I said. “Indeed.” Sun responded. “Justice will be swift, justice will be painful, justice will be delicious.” Ruby yells out as RWBY cheers. “And let the show begin.” I said as the food fight began.

    After that Nora jumps down from the top. “Off with their heads.” Nora yells as Ren steps on a tray and kicks three watermelons at RWBY. Jaune flips and throws a watermelon and Pyrrha throws two watermelons. Nora then flips a table and throws a ton of watermelons at RWBY. “Yang Turkey.” Ruby says as Yang jumps forward and puts Turkeys on her hands and starts punching the watermelon from the air. I looked down at the end and saw three vending machines at the table fortress. “Hey want to see if I can make it to the vending machines and back without getting hit.” I said to Sun as he nodded and handed me some lien. “Get me one too.” He says as I nod and walk to the far right of the cafeteria. As I was walking Blake got some bread and got into a fight with Pyrrha. “Weird usually the bread isn’t that tough.” I said as I made it about half way back and started dodging some of the random food that was flying around. Once I got to the vending machines I heard a crash. I turned around to see that one of the pillars was completely destroyed. “Wow.” I said as I grabbed the soda for me, Sun, and Neptune and started walking back. Then suddenly I see Yang get hit by Nora and sent through the roof. “Bye.” I said continuing to walk and dodge food. Then I almost had the soda in my hand taken from my grip but I wrapped my arms around them and stopped them and sent a small amount of electricity through it to mess with the magnetic force of it. “Ok that's an interesting turn of events.” I said as the wind blasted past me and I saw a bunch of items flying towards me. “Oh crap.” I said as I flash stepped around the items and back to Sun and Neptune.

I landed back by them and smiled. “And I win.” I say giving them the soda and seeing Neptune’s face was purple and some of his clothes and his hair. “Oh should have dodged.'' I said as I looked back to see team JNPR was slammed against the wall and covered in food. “And RWBY wins.” I say as the doors to the Cafeteria and Goodwitch walks in and she wasn’t happy. She waves her wand or whatever it is around and fixes the cafeteria. “Children please don’t play with your food.” Goodwitch says as they all go to sit down and I looked to see Yang coming back down. “Hold this.” I said handing my drink to Sun and powering up and jumping up and catching Yang before landing on the table by RWBY. “TA-DA!” I yelled out as everyone looked happy to see me as Ruby hugs me. “Curtis you're out of the infirmary.” She says as I smiled and hugged back as everyone joined in. “Good to see you all too.” I said smiling. They let go and Ruby looked at me. “You want to join us on the best day ever?” She asked as I grinned. “Is that even a question?” I asked her as she jumps in happiness. “Yay he’s joining us.” She says as I smiled and looked at my friends. “And I'm happy to be here.” I said to them knowing I have great friends in the fights to come.

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