Mystery Man ...

25 3 3

( violence warning ⚠️ )

Am I going crazy did I really feel that.

No no no no no, they got me, what was I thinking, did I really think I could escape this place, they have me I'm done , well at least I tried right , but once I get home, I'm in big trouble.

" Kitten be quite you don't wanna get caught do you." Did I just hear that right, what's going on, what the hell. I didn't recognize the voice, who is it.

I open my eyes and see myself in the hands of what I think is a man. We were on the ground now. He was on top of me one hand completely wrapped around my waist, while the other covered my mouth.

What was going on, who is he , why is he helping me.

" What was that , Red go check it out" I heard Mr.Su tell one of the guards.

"Don't move" says the mystery guy on top of me. I obey and stay completely still, I don't want to go back , I can't.

The guard comes over to where I previously was and looked around, me and the man were a few feet away laying behind a tree truck, that blocked us from the guards sight.

"There's nothing sir", says the guard "okay let's go to a new spot, probably just an animal" says

I'm so relieved, my heart was going at a million miles per hours, and was finally decreasing as I regain my train of thought I remember the man sitting on top of me. and the guarded were driving away now I couldn't see the car lights anymore so I looked at the man who was also looking at the disappearing cars, I took the chance and wrapped my hands around his right arm and my legs around his right leg and flipped him under me. I quickly grabbed the knife on my waist and took it to his throat.

" who are you."

" Wow wow wow, calm down kitten I'm trying to help here." Says the man.

" That's not what I asked, now answered me .. who .. are.. you" I said and inched the knife a little closer to his throat.

"If you knew , you wouldn't be in this position, now as much as I'm loving the dominant demeanor, that's my thing so get off before I stick this cute knife down your throat"

I was a little taken aback my his answers but I didn't let it get too me.

"Look I'm not gunna ask again, or you tell me who you are or you die right now, take your pick"

" Rawr feisty I like it, kitten it's okay trust me no ones gunna know about our little get away, now IM gunna give you two seconds to get off of me before I get mad" he whispered with a sexy, deep, husky voice. It was a bit distracting but wasn't going to change my mind.

I deepin the knife in his throat causing a his skin to split open an bit I get closer to him and say, "Next time don't call me kitten" , with that I raise myself up and trickle my other hand up his chest then I take it all the way up to his neck and start choking him.

It didn't last long though because despite thinking I was quite strong he spins up back around with me ending up in the floor again.

He very easily moves my hands and pins them to my sides . Well fuck ...

He's right on top of me, hands pinned to my side , he's sitting on top of me , or to be specific right on top of my crotch. He's lowers he's head to my ear and with that sexy voice says...

" Calm down , I'm not trying to hurt you , but If you push my buttons I won't hesitate"

Wtf who is this guy, why is he so fucken strong I almost got away... why did that just turn me on...

" If you behave for daddy I'll let you go. Okay baby" he's says as he inches himself away from my face.

At this point all I need was to get my arms out of his grasp so I say " okay fine"

With that he lets go of my hands and sits in between my legs, I take that chance and slowing while sitting up i scoot back a little while putting my right hand behind by back where I had my charm out of this situation.

I grab the gun out of my stocking and I pulled the hammer I point the gun at his arm

And pull the trigger.

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