So, im a Vampire?

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Jacob pov

5 more minutes, wait what time is it.



(I run out of bed put on black ripped jeans a black shirt with the band called chemical romance and struggling to put on a pair of black vans. While running through the apartment, I saw a note on the counter while getting my coat)

To Jacob.

I'll be back around tomorrow, theres food you can make in the fridge and make sure to feed Zashi before you leave he is your responsibility after all.

P.S-If a package comes in the mail tell me immediately, have fun on you last day of Seventh grade.

P.S.S-Dont go in my room, your birthday stuff is in there and dont worry I'll be home to celebrate it with you before I leave again since it's in three days.

-From your uncle Darius.

Of course he tells me my birthday stuff is in his room now I want to go in there more now. Forget it I'm already late. No one will notice anyway.


(I look to my leg to see a black cat behind me looking at me with his head tilted)

Hey Zashi, come on I'll get you some sausage for breakfest how does that sound.



(I opened our fridge and pull out some sausage and eggs and start cooking them while putting half a sausage in Zashis bowl. After eating I walked out the door while not grabbing my bag as in middle school theres no lockers and it's the last day.)

(After walking for ten minutes I go through the front desk and file a absent form, then go up the stairs and walk into class. No one looked at me and I head to my desk as everyone was talking and the teacher had fell asleep.)

(When I did sit down, i put in my earbuds and just waited for the day to pass)

20 mins later...

(I took my left ear bud out for a second and then heard what everyone was saying)

???1:Hey when did the emo show up.

???2:Who cares, it's the last day let's make it hell for him.

???1:Agreed but let's do it during lunch, he's always alone so no one will help him.

(They weren't wrong at all, I dont have any friends,I've been bullied since 5th grade and no one even bothers to help me at all.)

(You know what screw this, I'm going home. It was a waste of time coming here. I start walking towards the door until I'm stopped by the three big bad bullys.)

Jacob:What do you want Darik.

Darik:Oh you think your so bad and tough,we were gonna do this at lunch but we might as well do it now.Jack, Axel kick his ass.

(Axel was scrawny but he was lanky and tall, while on the other hand, Jack  was on the shorter side and chubby but he can take hits easily and the ring leader himself was Darik. He was just a blonde asshole who thought he was tough because hes the baseball captain.)

Both charged at me almost getting me until I sweep darik under the legs making him fall and I jump over his body and go out the door. When I passed the door I heard all three them collide and fall to the ground.

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