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The following months went by pretty fast, I got to hangout with my dormates and really get to know them. I passed most of the time with just walking around campus seeing other students and trying to find out more information about vampires, but I couldn't find any information as it was all blocked off.

I sent uncle darius many letters telling him about what has happened and who I have met. He wrote back every time and on his last letter he said that he will see me on my first day of actual school.

3 months later...


Jacob pov

5 more minutes.....



(I woke up and put on the uniform which was black long sleeved shirt with a red tie and black pants. I also had a badge with teeth on it and my watch was full thanks to all the blood the fridge fills up with)

(Zashi starts to wake up and hopes onto my shoulders and gets off as I walk by the couch.He starts to stretch and meow when three more doors come out with Alexia, Zoe and David all in there uniforms)

Jacob:Quick question are we allowed to bring jackets like my hoodie.

Alexia:Yeah, but it has to be a zipper on the jacket and you have to put the badge  on it so people can see it.


I grab it and put it on, the back had a five north symbol on the back and put the medal on it.

David:You guys just wanna get breakfest or make it.

Alexia:Will just go get breakfest, my freinds and  I had already plan to do that.

I shivered a little since that sounded very familar, but I filled zashi bowls and up we all head out the door hearing him meow us goodbye.

Zoe:You really do love that cat dont you.

Jacob:Yeah, I've had him since 5th grade and hes been by best freind since.

Alexia:That's sweet, but didn't you have other friends.

When she asked that question I didn't know how to reply since truly I didn't everyone wanted to stay away from the emo kid.

David:He probably had alot since who wouldn't like his guy.

(We chuckled a little bit and I remind my self to thank Daviad later,since even if he was the son of peaceful death we were pretty similar. Most people think he would be all happy and sunshine, but really he likes the same type of music, he loves cats and he's just a cool guy to hangout with.)

Zoe:Heh, anyway our school experience was pretty much the same, but I would always get into fights so i really only had David.

(Zoe on the other hand was a great friend and was basically the same as her parents in one way and one way only,loves fighting. She dosent like people to die but she likes the sport and the rush, but when she's relaxed she just becomes mellow and doesn't have a care in the world.)

Alexia:Looks like were here.

When I saw the doors I gasped q little bit as they were gold doors with jems surrounding it and when we opened it a swarm of students filled the halls of the used to be cafeteria. They were now thousands upon thousands of chairs and before I know It i saw the symbol of my badge on a stage. I head there ignoring breakfest and try to find my name.

I reach my seat and start to wait for it to start, but a trumpet went off and all the seats from each section came together making all the stages form with each other making a giant one.

The curtains draw back and there were around 40 Thrones with a person in each one. Each had golden letters in them and there were three golden ones with the names of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. The person in posidens throne came up to the mic.

Percy:Welcome to Myth high, unfortunately my father and Zeus and Hades were not able to come today since they had better things to do apparently. So for now myself, Nico and Jason will fill those roles.

Nico:Hurry up, fish sticks we dont have all day.

Jason:Yeah come on jackson some of us have students to teach.

Percy:Yeah, yeah. Anyway as some of you may know this is your first actual school day here on campus. Many of you are demigods or other mythological creatures. Now since the vampire have not had a teacher in recent years teaching them about there powers, it used to be Nico who is a know it all and thought he could teach multiple classes. Now if our new teacher may come to the stage who was also an old student here Darius Vlad.

(My mouth fell to the floor as I saw my uncle walk on stage and approach the microphone.)

Darius:I just want to let all of you to  know that the only reason I am here is to see a relative and for some reasons your "Headmaster" thought it would be a great idea to make me your new teacher. *Sigh*look I know some of you only learned you were a vampire in the last year or some of you are fully vampire and you delt with it your whole life.

(I looked around and some murmurs and saw that both the seats next to me were empty but one read Winter Tod and the other read Dorian Tod.)

Darius:So with the little time I had I was able to set up some arrangements with the vampire council. The grading system will stay as the top ranks have earned that position and now will also have the ability to try and claim a spot on the council. Now you can only do this by defeating a vampire elder in battle. Anyway moving on, some of you dont even know who I am, but.

I then felt the atmosphere get really heavy and it almost felt like the earth tried to crush me.

Darius:I have been through death and back and I have seen deaths face multiple times as I am or was the Chosen one or I guess you could have said the Red blood. Remember that there are only four other vampires have accomplish what I have done and can beat me in battle. Well besides gods and powerful demigods. Anyway your classes will be handed out on sheets in about now.

A poof of smoke popped infront of me.

HomeRoom/Vampirec Teaching (8:30-10:00) Darius Vlad.

Mythology (10:15-11:30) Otis Otis.


Alchemy and Runes (12:20-1:35) Nico Di Angelo.

Wilderness training(1:50-3:05) Grover Underwood.

Combat training(3:20-4:35) Vladmir Tod&Percy jackson

I take all on my watch to its 8:25, then I hear a boom by the doors and everyone looks to see who it is and when I look back I can see my uncle put his head to his forehead.


???:Vlad, calm down there just kids, but you two are grounded for a week understand!

They both nod and mutter yes mam and start to head towards my row and sit in the seats beside me.

I decide to just mind my business and wait until my uncle's speech Is fully over.

Daruis:Well took you two long enough , I expected better from the parvus Vlad.

Vlad:Ohh shut it darius, just because your the so called "red blood" dosent mean your better then me. Now isn't it time for class.

I look at my watch and its 8:30 exactly  and suddenly me and 24 other students are in a class room with our bags and sitting in desks.

Darius:Welcome to my classroom and welcome To Myth High

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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