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Being my third Sunday in this Church I felt the urge of joining the youth group, at least I was familiar with the program of their services. I had been a member of African Church since I was a little child both my parents and grandparents had raised us with a Church background, I moved to the city when I felt that I was of age moved in to my new single room where I felt safer.
I had not been to a Church for over a year, I never had a good enough reason but I convinced myself that there was no African Church around the places I secured a house. A few months later after settling in Kahawa west a friend from the village asked me to join him for a service at their Church, I agreed to it since I didn't have any better plans for the day.
Dennis led me to the P.C.E.A Church located at Zimmermern the service was almost one of the ones we had at our local Church I was glad that I discovered how much I missed being in a Church service.
"Do you know that there is an African Church in Zimmerman?" Dennis asked as we were walking home.
"No I don't, where is it located?" I asked in excitement.
"Just around where I stay, come on I will walk you there." He said as he begun leading the way.
I was very excited, I didn't think there was any of our Church around, now that It was just a few Kilometers away from my place, I had already made up my mind and promised myself not to miss any more Services on Sundays.
We walked past his house and headed ahead to the church, "Here this is it." He said motion to the Beautifully build building of our Church, yes our Church it had always been since I was a kid. I hugged him in excitement requesting him to come with me the following Sunday. He had no objection with it since we were still catching up on what we had been doing since we left high school.
Both my first and second days' services were a blessing, this being the third Sunday I wanted to join in the community, as the Swahili service came to an end I walked Gracifully towards a lady I had spotted on the previous Sundays leading the Praise and Worship and also the Youths. Hi my name is "Jane I am kinda new to the Church but I would like to join the youth group do you have any meetings or at least a place where I can register as a new member?" I asked.
"Welcome to the Church my name is Shannon, just give me a few minutes and I will lead you to our meeting, we always meet after the service for a brief catch up." She said smiling, I responded with a Thank you as ai settled to the chair waiting for her to finish up with her business.
I admired the Beauty of the Church it was no where close to the one back in the village but they could have never been the same this was a city Church, after few minutes if waiting Shannon stood up and requested me to follow her and I did so gladly.
"Hello everyone can I get your attention please" A fine looking gentleman requested as everyone was either busy on their phones or sharing something with their neighbors, I guessed that the meeting was about to start and I was right.
"Thank you, welcome to todays meeting, U can see that we have two visitors so I will introduce myself for their sake my name is Solomon, this is the African Church youth we always have a brief meeting after the Church to welcome the visitors like you guys and also plan on the following Sundays events." He said addressing the visitors.
"For the sake of the ladies I would request all of us to introduce ourselves starting with the guests then to the others," he continued.
"I will pray then you will start with your introduction." He said pointing to my direction.
"My name is Jane, Jane Peterson I come from Kahawa West I am a new member to African Zimmerman church but an old one at the African Church. I wi be attending this Church as long as am in the City and I would like to join the Youth Group. Thankyou." I finished sitting down my actions were followed by hearty claps coming from the other members of the group. I felt appreciated and welcome to my childhood religion, I was glad that I had found Dennis to lead me here.
The other members said their introduction and I could remember almost all their names by the end of the meeting, Solomon requested me to lead with the final prayer as the meeting ended.
I felt like I was home.

Hello everyone, I will try and be updating a chapter on daily basis lets walk through this Journey together and explore Kenny's and Jenny's feelings.

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