Chapter 18

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Scarlet fulfilled her role as promised, She secretly unlocked the back door of the base, which lead to an alleyway for Eri to run. Scarlet wasn't really sure the heroes would rescue Eri. In order to fulfill her plan, she needs to make sure that every piece is in place. 

"Yo, Heard ya the strongest villain, we should fight," Some attended of Chisaki who Scarlet did not recognize suddenly said. Scarlet was both mentally and physically drained to deal with this big dude, whose name she later found out as 'Rappa'. Scarlet simply flipped her middle finger in front of his face. Rappa let out a grunt as he signaled Scarlet to follow him, as the both of them made their way into the same random corridors. 

"Overhole, told me to show you the room, the other LOV shit members are staying there," Rappa said. Scarlet had to overcome the urge to laugh. Behold! The Yakuza version of the brain-dead Muscular who ended up in Tartarus. Scarlet simply nodded as Rappa abruptly opened the door for her to enter. Toga and Twice were chilling on the floor with some chips and drinks in the corner. 

"Scarlet!!" Toga yelled as she hugged the cape villain with a massive smile on his face, Scarlet obviously returned the hug with equal warmth. Rappa scoffed but retreated as he closed the door behind him. Once Scarlet could hear the voice of his footsteps diminishing she turned her attention back to Toga.

"Drink my blood Toga-Chan," Scarlet suddenly said as she let go of Toga and gently held her shoulders looking her eye-to-eye from under her cape. Toga's happy face was replaced with a shocked one in a matter of seconds.

"Would you like to stab or bite?" Scarlet questioned as she tilted her head to the side with a smile on her face. Toga looked elated. It was as if she was aroused by the fact of having cutie Scarlet's blood run down her throat. 

"Twice do me a favor and make a Toga clone," Scarlet said as she looked at Twice. Twice nodded his head and started to take Toga's measurements. 

"Listen Toga, we are going to destroy this fucking Yakuza. Twice will make your clone and you should pretend to be me and relay all the messages I have for these respective people," Scarlet said as she handed Toga a piece of paper with a list of all the duties she has to perform. 

"What are we trying to do Scarlet?" Twice suddenly questioned. 

"Four days from now, Heroes are going to affiliate this base, They are going to rescue the girl who Chisaki has been using to make the quirk destroying bullets. Unfortunately, the heroes do not know about all this. So we have to make sure that Heroes have a basic idea of what's going on. They will invade and we will steal the bullets. Killing two birds with one stone," Scarlet said. Twice and Toga looked at her with equal curiosity and shock written on their faces. 

"Chisaki losing to the heroes should be the most satisfying result, "Scarlet said. Truth be told, Scarlet did not despise Chisaki at all, it was just that the moment Tokihara lays his hands on Eri, she will be reduced to the same fate shared by both Scarlet's dead siblings. Drain all their power and kill them. On the other hand, Tokihara having the quirk-destroying bullets will cause massive havoc. Scarlet Thus, needs to plan accordingly. 

"Use the back door, I'm counting on you. Also, come back by midnight, "Scarlet said as Toga chan was drinking her blood. Toga nodded her head and exited the room as soon as Twice had completed making a double of hers.

(Eri's Pov)

"No one is in sight," Eri said in her as she glanced in both directions before running in the direction of the back door. Eri had lived in the Yakuza base for a long time to have basic information on the routes that connect to the exit. She never really have a chance to run because she was kept under strict supervision by Chisaki and his attendants.

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