Chapter 12- Insecured

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Atsumu walked wherever his legs were heading towards. He was so deep into thought that he didn't pay attention to where he was going, however, his leg muscles remembered the way to a place that was able to make him happy. It seemed like his brain was thinking differently making him doubt himself and feel insecured but, what he truly wanted was to be happy and his muscles know that. Drops of rain started to pout down on buildings and whatever that was in its reach including Atsumu but, he just ignored it not bothering to put on a jacket or anything and just continued his way to wherever his legs were taking him. Atsumu looked up and realized he was at the park where he and his three new friends met up to hang out together. It was also the place that they were going to meet up the next day to hang out. Atsumu looked at the wet bench about 2-4 meters away from and walked over to the bench and sat down. Atsumu just continued to stare at the ground not notice a figure walking up to him and stopping in front of him until he noticed rain was no longer falling onto him and soaking his hair and shirt then, heard a voice.

"Tsumu." said the voice calling Atsumu by one of his nicknames. 

'Who's calling me?'  thought Atsumu. Atsumu looked up to see who it was and saw none other than Sakusa Kiyoomi holding a black umbrella wearing a black jacket. 'Oh, it's Omi.'  thought Atsumu. Sakusa stared at Atsumu and saw the state he was in. Tears stained Atsumu's cheeks, he had red puffy eyes proof that he was crying, he didn't even care about the rain or notice he was there until he actually called out his name and lastly, pain reflected in Atsumu's eyes showing that he was hurt.

"Tsumu, are you ok?" asked Sakusa in a worried tone.

"I'm fine Omi." replied Atsumu trying to keep a smile on his face but unfortunately for him, the smile slowly cracked as the seconds passed and their was clearly pain in his eyes saying he was not ok.

"Don't lie to me Tsumu!" said Sakusa raising his tone a little which made Atsumu flinched.

Sakusa noticed this and said 'Sorry'

"You don't have to apologies about anything Omi. If anything I should be the one saying sorry for being so annoying and being a disappointment." said Atsumu not really thinking clearly as the words 'You should have never been born. Disappointment' repeated in his heads over and over again.

"Tsumu what do you mean disappointment? Annoying? You haven't done a single thing wrong. You shouldn't be the one saying sorry! It's those bastards you call parents isn't it?! Why are you letting your parents mistreat you like this?! Other people as well! I-Omi" interrupted Atsumu.

"It's ok, it's all fine. Plus, Mr and Mrs Miya aren't my parents anymore. I'm not a Miya anymore. I-I shouldn't have ever been born anyways. I was a mistake. They only wanted one child from the start anyways. And that was Miya-san(He's calling Osamu that now. Also he called Aiko and Haito Mr and Mrs Miya now). I-I'm just a mistake. I don't feel like I don't deserve anything. I'm annoying and ugly. I'm untalented unlike Miya-san(Osamu), I-I don't even deserve to live don't I? I'm nothing but a disappointment that would only waste yours, Kita's and Terushima's time. So just go, leave me alone and forget about a disappointment like me." said Atsumu tears rapidly falling down his face his eyes reflecting the pain he was feeling deep down in his fragile heart.

Atsumu himself was very fragile, his confidence and heart were easy to break down. They were like glass. In it's best, it sparkles in the sun but it's very easy to break. Kita, Terushima and Sakusa knows that very well seeing him break down a few times already but, this was definitely the worst break down Atsumu has ever had. He was 100% feeling insecure about himself. So much that he would probably start thinking about suicidal thoughts any second now. Sakusa was not going to let Atsumu die like that, he, Kita and Terushima had made a vow that they kept secret from Atsumu. It was to protect and help Atsumu as long as they were alive.....even if it could cost their own life because.........when you're in love, you do crazy things. That's right, they were all in love with the same person, Miya Atsumu, or rather, former Miya. The three friends did not fight over Atsumu though, they were sensible......well two of them are, Terushima on the other......can be but mostly in love matters.....maybe not. The three friends decided to share and all date Atsumu at the same time if he agrees to that. They actually also developed feelings for each other as well which made the relationship between them kind of complicated to hide from Atsumu since they all have feelings for each other AND, they all also developed feelings towards the fake blonde(not Terushima) as well.

"Tsumu Stop." said Sakusa in  stern voice.

"I should really just kill my self. I'm only a waste of spac-Atsumu I said stop!" interrupted Sakusa in a stern voice raising his tone a bit making Atsumu flinch once again.

"Listen, I don't exactly know what happened to you and all you really said about your problem is that you're no longer a Miya which I'm not sure if it's true or not but just calm down. Are you even thinking clearly? Or are you blinded by feeling of insecurity so much that you can't even think straight anymore? This is not the Atsumu I know, he would have a couple of break downs sometimes but, he would always stand up strong again and smile which made me respect him and look up to him. Now, let's just go to my house. You can stay there for the night because right now you have a look on your face saying that you're homeless. Here, put this on before you get a cold." said Sakusa taking his jacket on and handing it to Atsumu.

"But-Just listen to me Tsumu." Sakusa interrupted Atsumu in a stern voice.

"A-alright." stuttered Atsumu putting Sakusa jacket on.

"Alright let's go now." said Sakusa.

"Wait Omi. Aren't you afraid that I'll get germs on your jacket?" asked Atsumu.

"No. I would never disgusted if it was you, Kita or Terushima wearing my jacket." answered Sakusa honestly.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Atsumu.

"I-.......nothing. You'll find out in the future." replied Sakusa cutting himself off.

'I wonder what he means by that. And why Kita and Terushima are involved in this.'  thought Atsumu.

To be continued...


I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Yes, the winner of the ship voting was 

It was very close, these were the results:

Sakusa -75

Foursome -76

It's only one off. 

If you want SEPERATE SCENES for a specific SHIP you wanted READ HERE*

Anyways, I know that lots of you also like Sakuatsu so do you also want me to type some chapters for some Sakuatsu scenes as well? Also if you say yes but want another ship then type yes and the ship so I know if you want some scenes of the specific ship as well so I know.

Also I'm so sorry for not posting the past few days.

!DISCLAIMER: Haikyu!! does not belong to me!

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