Take Care of Yourself (AfterDeath)

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"Geno, it's fine, I got like a five-minute break! I still gotta go deal with my job, and I don't want Paps to do too much work, I'll get sleep later so it's-"

Reaper lets out a surprised yelp as Geno scoops him up and says "Reaper, you haven't taken more than five minutes for yourself for months, and that's if you were truthful about that break!"

Geno makes his way over to his small patch of grass in the Save Screen, plopping himself down on the couch, glad that Reaper had gifted him so much furniture when he found out how empty the Save Screen was.

Geno hugs Reaper close to his chest as the God struggles slightly in his grip and retorting with "I'm good, I swear! C'mon Gen, I gotta go do my job, let me go-" his legs and arms flailing before he finally gives up, relaxing into Geno's hold.

Geno lets out a soft huff as Reaper's breathing soon slows and his eyes drift shut, the five-minute break Reaper spoke of obviously having not been enough.

Geno pats Reaper's skull, mumbling "You really need to take better care of yourself..." before leaning over and grabbing a blanket and pulling it over himself and Reaper.

Reaper snuggles up to Geno in his sleep, and Geno smiles fondly, shifting Reaper into a more comfortable position before carefully- as to not disturb the sleeping god- reaching over to the side table next to the couch and grabbing his phone.

Geno quickly takes a picture of him and Reaper and looking at it with a smile before putting his phone down next to him and wrapping his arm around Reaper.

A colorful portal opens by the edge of Geno's patch of grass, and Fresh hops through while saying "Yo Genbro! How are you-" cutting himself off when he sees a sleeping Reaper cuddled up to Geno, who glares lightly at him as if to say "If you wake him up you don't want to know what comes next."

Fresh raises his hands slightly and quietly says "Woah, Woah, I'll turn the volume down, sorry bro!" with an amused-looking smile on his face.

Fresh pulls out his phone, and Geno's face flushes light blue as he hisses out "Fresh, I love you, but if you even think about it, I will not hesitate to murder you with no remorse..."

Fresh only chuckles softly and responds with, "Not with your boyfriend sleeping on you you won't~ When's the wedding, I want to be the best man! Oh, Life would totally be Reaper's Maid of Honor- Error could be the flower girl! He's not a girl, but he would look adorable in a dress, Blue told me so and I'm gonna trust his judgment on that- Oh, oh! What if- okay I'm getting off track-"

Fresh finally takes a picture, and by the time he does, Geno looks completely blue, stuttering on his words for a moment before saying "One, I haven't even worked up the courage to ask him out yet, two, of course you can be the Best Man, three, as soon as I am done cuddling with Reaper I will kill you to the point of there being nothing left of you for Reaper to reap."

Fresh waves his hand dismissively before pulling out a small gray and red bag, replying with "You wouldn't kill me, and before I forget, Error asked me to give this to you!"

Geno takes the bag from Fresh, who leaves afterwards, and careful not to wake Reaper as he places it next to himself and reaches in, and pulls out a card and what looks to be some clothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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