Chapter 1: Stupid School, Stupid Populars

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Hey y'all, this is my first Danny Phantom/ Teen Titans crossover fanfic!!! Yay!!!! :) Tell me if y'all like it in the comments!!!! On to the story!!!

"IM A BARBIE GIRL IN A BARBIE WORLD!!!!!!!" Adela yelled.

"Come on Barbie lets go party!" Her boyfriend said.

Those are the populars. That I personally hate. My ex-friend Lamia ditched me to become one of them, and continuously makes fun of me when they're around, and ignores me when they're not. Almost everyone wants to be one of them. But not me.

So, you're probably wondering who I am and maybe even where I am. My name is Muna. One of the most unpopular girls in the whole school. I get bullied and insulted, but I don't really care. Popularity is stupid. I have a right to be an individual and to be myself. My family is moving soon, and thank god. I hate this wretched school. Right now I'm at a school dance, standing in the corner and wishing I wasn't here.

"Hey Muna." Zanoah, my only friend in this entire school, who is basically the definition of flaky, came over to me.

"Hey Zan." I responded. "One more week until I move!"

"I'm gonna miss you!" She hugged me.

"I'll miss you too." I hugged her back.

"Aww, how cute!" Lamia snickered.

"Yeah Lami, I always knew those two dweebs were lesbians!" Adela joined in.

"Oh go suck a cactus, jerks!" I spat in their faces. The populars just laughed and walked away.

"I hate those little stupids." Zanoah never swears, she says really weird stuff instead. She won't even say the word hell. She says H- E- double hockey sticks. See? Weird. But it's interesting, so I like it.

"Hey wanna have a sleepover at my house next Friday?" I asked. "We're probably going to be halfway packed up, but we'll still have sleeping bags so yeah."

"Sure, I'll text my parents right now and ask them if I can." Zan responded, whipping out her cell phone to text them.

"Ok, I'll get a movie that we can watch. I'll ask my parents if we can order pizza." I stated. "Have your parents responded yet?"

"Yep, they said yes. I guess I'll see you there!" She answered.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~almost a week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Zan, why are you calling me?" I asked Zanoah.

"Sorry I can't come to the sleepover. Bye!" She yelled and hung up. Yep. Flaky. Very flaky. At least I have my cartoons. I started watching Danny Phantom on my tablet.

"If only the whole Danny Phantom universe were real. That would be the best thing ever." I stated to no one. The lights blacked out for a second and I heard a thump. "What?" I looked around. Darkness.

I flicked the light switch. Nothing. I tried it again. The light finally came back on. I looked around. That was weird. Especially the strange noise I heard. Oh well.

"I wish I could meet Danny Fenton." I sighed, going back to watching the show. I was re-watching it, right now I was somewhere in the second season.

I wasn't completely sure, but I thought I heard a familiar voice say "Your wish is my command." Huh. That sounded like the ghost Desiree. Nah, that would be impossible.

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