Mini Chapter :D

206 9 4

*303/Vincent POV*

Mothers. Individuals, specifically a women who bring ups a child with their upmost care and affection. Maybe I had a mother as Vincent, but I don't know that because I am not Vincent.

As myself now, I don't remember having a mother. But if I did, the closest person to that title would be Ms. Eri. 

She took me in almost instantly when she found out I had no home. Logically, I was suspicious of her sudden hospitality, but decided to give her the benefit of doubt because beggars can't be choosers. Also, she made a great stew. 

She cared for me like I was her legitimate son even though I appeared out of nowhere like a few days ago. And being honest, I think I grew quite fond of her. 

Every morning, I would wake up early and head off into the forest nearby to try and find something she would like. I later learnt that the forest didn't have much things to offer as all I'd find and take were usually acorns, leaves and strange looking rocks that I found in the river. Despite that, Ms. Eri seem to really appreciate what I bring her. 

In the afternoon, she would make lunch while I did all the heavy work which included chopping wood for the fire and bringing back buckets and buckets of water from the river everyday. It wasn't a problem for me as my psychic powers came in handy. But to think that Ms. Eri did all these by herself before I showed up really terrifies and amazes me. 

After lunch, we would just talk. Ms. Eri would usually tell me stories about some person named 'Deku' and how he saved her and many other people long ago while I, on the other hand, told her about my troubles. She would listen to me ramble on about how I would have flashbacks of events I had no memory of.  

Ms. Eri would just listen, she never wore any sort of confused look at all. 

A big part of me hoped that things would stay like this forever. 

"303! Your friends are here!"

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