Where My Baes At?? • Teenager Post: 11-20

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Teenager Post #11:
"Lear to accept how people judge you, but never let it sink into your nerves especially when you know it's NOT true.🎭"

Teenager Post #12:
"When you think you're not happy with your life, always think that someone is happy simply because you exist.😘"

Teenager Post #13:
"In The Car: When a sad song comes on the radio, I stare out the window and pretend to act it out.🚘"

Teenager Post #14:
"The walk of shame when you have to put something back in a store after your mom says, "No!"😢"

Teenager Post #15:
"Laughter is the best medicine. But, if you're laughing without any reason, you need medicine.😂-💊"

Teenager Post #16:
"Waiting until they're in a good mood before asking them for something you want.😉"

Teenager Post #17:
"That moment of silence when you stub your toe.....😤"

Teenager Post #18:
"Closing the fridge slowly to see when the lights go off.💡"

Teenager Post #19:
"The awkward moment when someone's zipper is down and you don't know wether to tell, because you can't explain why you were looking that low.😳"

Teenager Post #20:
"That awkward moment when you realize that if Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner get married they would both be Taylor Lautner.😳"

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