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THE twins followed in after Arke, all of them on edge as they slipped past the two metal doors, "Arke?" Noel's voice echoed out in the dark as Theo closed the door behind them, "shut up

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THE twins followed in after Arke, all of them on edge as they slipped past the two metal doors, "Arke?" Noel's voice echoed out in the dark as Theo closed the door behind them, "shut up."

The girl closed her mouth at the order and pointed the gun in front of her preparing herself for the command to shoot, she didn't know when it was coming- or if it was coming at all- creeping behind Arke, she let out a soft sigh as she prepared herself for the very real possibility that she was going to have to shoot someone within the next few minutes.

Inside, it seemed that the building was silent, almost as if it hadn't been occupied half an hour earlier, Arke knew people were there, she didn't doubt that, she'd seen the lit-up windows, heard the small clustered conversations, she didn't have to see someone to know that they were waiting for them to get closer.

And with the dark, it seemed that they'd easily be able to attack.

The oldest of the three paused in her steps letting out a dismissive sigh when one of the two children ran into her backside, "nobody move." she whispered, she could've sworn she'd heard something.

Turning her head slightly to the left, she heard it again, a rattle, almost like chains, but she couldn't determine where it had come from.

"Theo, get the torch." she ignored the sound of his footsteps as he came closer and unzipped the pocket of her bag, after a few moments he smiled to himself and reached to zip the girl's bag closed. Arke- having turned around in the few seconds since Theo had closed her bag- reached out to grasp his shoulder so she could take the torch from him.

She fondled with it in her hands running her fingers over every edge to try and locate the switch as quickly as possible, they needed light, and they needed it now.

Her fingers finally locating the bulge in the metal grasped the edge of the switch, flicking it upwards towards the girl's face her eyes widened at the sight before her.


"NOEL!" in a half attempted effort, she tossed the torch in Theo's direction and dove forward towards the girl just barely scooping her up before the first crank lunged against its restraints, luckily, it was pulled back by the chain looped around its neck, the chain that had left an inch between them and the monsters fingertips.

Still holding Noel in her arms, Arke ran her fingers through the girl's hair as she surveyed their surroundings, Theos eyes widened and he gently tugged on the older girl's jacket before pointing ahead of him.

Arke dropped Noel from her arms- the girl safely landing on her feet with the gun still in hand- quickly snapping her gun out of place from where it had formerly resided along her belt, she found herself aiming it at the pale flesh of a woman's forehead, she couldn't have been much taller than her, maybe by half an inch or so.

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