Chapter 14.

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She has a plan.

"She has a plan," I said and stood straight, with a smirk on my face.

"What? What plan?" Andre said while Giovanni typed something in the computer, while we watched the video.

"I don't know. But she has a plan. And she won't disappoint us."

"Let's hope you're right..." Andre said.

"Of course I am."

Flashback 11 years ago. ( Xander was 10 btw)

"Boy, you can never show emotions. And no respect towards women! They are just good at one thing. To get your dick wet." My father said to me. Holding a firm grip on my shoulder. Looking dead serious in my eyes.

"Yes, father," I said and looked down on the floor.

"Good. Now go and give your whore for a mother some water. We don't want her to die, Si?"

"Si papa."

But she's not a whore...

10 minutes later.


"Yes?" I heard my mother's shaky voice thru the door, in the bedroom.

"It's me. Xander." I said, with a water bottle in my hand. I opened the door and saw my mother sitting on the bed. In a nightgown. Dark circles under her eyes. So, so pale and she was just bone. She was so extremely thin, that you could see all the bones sticking out...

"Oh, mia cara." She said and put on a small smile on her pale, dry lips.
(Oh my darling.)

"Madre, ti libererà mai?" I said as I walked over to her. Giving her the water bottle.
(Mother, will he ever release you?"

"I don't know, baby..." she said and hugged me tightly.

"ma una cosa so ... che sarò sempre con te. Non importa cosa."
(But one thing I know...that I will always be with you. No matter what.)

With that, she hugged me again. I kissed her cheek and we said our 'goodbye's and I walked out of the room.

End of flashback.

"Boss we have her location!" Giovanni said as he brought me back to reality from my deep thoughts.

"Good! Where?"

"Here." He said and showed me on the screen.

In his father's old basement. Fucking stupid.

"Good job Giovanni! Get all the men ready. We'll hit in a few hours." I said and patted his back with my palm.

But his smirk dropped fast, as he looked at the screen. I followed his gaze and looked at the screen where we had the live video.

"mmm, baby I want you to give me a blowjob." We heard Javier say to, Evangeline.

"if you'll release the ropes I can..." she said.

She's playing smart. She knows what she's doing.

"Hmm...yeah. That would be easier. But don't try to do anything. You can't escape anyway." He said and cut the ropes from her wrists.

Now she will give him the payback he deserves.


Ohhhh!!! Some more Action!! And what did you think of Xanders flashbacks??? The next chapter will be from Evangelines pov. And then it will be back to normal,as it was before!🤗🥰❤️

Do you want longer chapters or do you want shorter,or this?☺️

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