Chapter 1

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"Y/n, Y/n, wake up, wake up." My younger sister Maiya said while shaking me trying to get me to wake up. "What Maiya, what is it? Can't it wait?" I asked half asleep, in my morning voice. "No it can't. Mum and dad wants us downstairs. They need to talk to us about something. So get your lazy butt out of bed and get ready and come downstairs." She said and took a nearby pillow and hit me with it.

"Alright, alright I'm coming. Now get out so I can get ready." I said while jumping out of bed. "Okay byeeee." She said then left my room closing the door behind her. I looked over to my alarm clock that was sitting on my night stand. It said, 8:43am. Oh my gosh, this girl has too much energy for that specific time in the morning. I made my bed reall quickly then I went in my bathroom to have a shower.

I turned the shower on, letting the water run, so it could get warm. Then I went and did my business and washed my hands. And started brushing my teeth. I took a look in the mirror and scanned over the reflection that was staring back at me. Wow, I would be real scared if someone had to wake up next to me in the morning. Laughing my ass off, with Kairi and the boys around, that doesn't seem very likely to happen. I swear if they could lock up every boy that tried to get with me or Maiya in a basement, they would do it. We were all friends, but more like friends that are family. The boys looked at me and Maiya as their little sisters. And as big brothers they would protect us from anything, especially protect us from heartbreak. I looked in the mirror and stared at the prominent bags that were under my eyes, and looked at my just below shoulder length black hair which was in an tangled mess. I sighed and quickly finished up brushing my teeth.

After that I got undressed and hopped into the shower. I let the water, which was now warm hit my skin. The pleasure of the water hitting my skin and running down my body was very nice and felt good. It at least stopped me from being cold from the New Jersey cold weather. I did the necessities and washed my body and then washed my hair. Then I wrapped myself in a towel. And did the same with my hair. I quickly did my skin care rountine and changed into an outfit that I had quickly picked out before entering the bathroom. I was going for more comfortable than a glamorous look today. So I wore some black sweats, and a plain white tank top. And threw over one of Kairi's old hoodies. Laughing my ass off, I loved stealing my brothers clothes. Plus he didn't seem to mind just as so long as I put it back after I'm done with it. I looked over the oversized hoodie. It was a plain black hoodie with two strings hanging from the hood. It had a small pocket on th hoodie at the bottom in the middle.

I then dried my hair, and then straightened it really quickly. I slipped on my airforce one's. Then I did my makeup. I just did a natural make up look. I put concealer under my eyes, to at least cover the bags under them. Then put on light mascara and lip gloss. I took one last look in the mirror and after being satisfied that I looked decent and presentable, I went out of my bathroom. Then I grabbed my phone that was laying on my nightstand that was charging in my bedroom. I took it out of the charger, and then slipped it in the pocket of the hoodie I was wearing. Then I left my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen where I assumed everyone was.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered, I saw everyone sitting at the dinner table waiting for me. Mum, dad, Kairi and Maiya. After an exchange of goodmornings from everyone I sat down and gazed over the delicious looking breakfast that was sitting right before me. There was pancakes, waffles, maple syrup to go with the two breakfast items, fruit salad and avocado toast. After that we all dished and started eating. My mum and dad decided to settle on the waffles while Maiya had the fruit salad and Kairi had the pancakes. I settled on the avocado toast, mmm, yummy, favourite. After a few moments of silence, I realised that what my mum and dad was about to tell was gonna be big cause they made a whole lot of food for breakfast, which normally distracts us from whatever they were gonna say, cause I mean its food, why the hell not. After we were all done eating. We cleaned up. I washed the dishes, Maiya dried them and Kairi put them away. After we were done, we went to the living room to where our parents had been seated, sitting in front if the tv on the couch. Kairi and Maiya sat on the other two seater couch, while sat on the love sack. (Basically like a bean bag but more softer and more comfortable, for those of you who don't know what a love sack is.)

After we sat down, we fell into a silence. Then the silence was broken when my mum started to speak. "Ok kids so we got some news for you," she started. "Please tell me you're not pregnant." Kairi blurted out. We all laughed. "No, dont worry about that, I'm not pregnant." Laughing my ass off, I love my parents alot but I mean  I think they have more than enough kids for now. But I mean if it comes down to that we won't be complaining. We'll all be supportive for our parents. "So, as you know the house next door was vacaned for a long time, well, it got sold a week or two back and now there are gonna be new neighbours moving in next door. They are moving in today." She said. "Ok and..." Maiya said, curious about what my mum was going to say next. "Well, your mother and I have decided to invite them to dinner tonight, to welcome them" my dad said. Oh my gosh, I internally groaned. I mean it was nice of my parents to do that and I have nothing against the new neighbour but I hated social interactions so if I could avoid them and then I would.... but it doesn't look like I can get out of this one anytime soon....

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