Chapter 2

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"But mum, I have plans." Kairi said. "Yeah me too, remember I'm going to the sleepover at my friend, Emma's house." Maiya said, while whining a little. "Yeah and I got plans with the boys," Kairi said after Maiya. "Well, I suppose you can go, since we told you last minute." My dad said. "What about you y/n? Do you have any plans or could you stay and have dinner with us and the new neighbours?" My mum asked. My mum and dad looked at me. I can tell by the look in their eyes they were hoping I didn't, and that I could stay and meet the new neighbours. I debated on whether I should lie and tell them I do have plans, so I could at least get out if this dinner with them. But I was a horrible liar. And my parents could tell when I was lying. I internally sighed. I hoped what I was about to say next wasn't going to make me regret saying it. I took a deep breath in and said......

"No it's fine, I don't have anything planned for tonight so I can stay for dinner and help you guys out and get to meet the new neighbours." I said in one breath, really quickly. After I said that they both had the biggest smiles on their faces. "Great then its settled," mum said. After that we went on with our day. It was only 12:40pm. And dinner was at 6:00pm which means I still have a lot of time before I have to get ready. I decided to figure out what I was gonna wear, cause I mean I have to at least make a good impression after meeting the new neighbours for the first time, right. So I got up off the love sack which I sat in while watching tv after the family meeting had finished. I suppose that is what you call it right. Anyways, kairi was in his room doing God knows what, while Maiya was packing her things for the sleepover in her room. My mum was in the kitchen preparing things for tonight's dinner. While my dad was at work. He'll be here later in time for dinner and to meet the new neighbours.

When I went to my room I headed straight to my closet. I had no idea what to wear. I sighed and decided to put some music on to at least calm down my nerves. Why was I so nervous? I mean it's just dinner, maybe it's just my social anxiety, ughhh. I played the song Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood. (If you are on tik tok, you probably heard the song or know it by now, if not then I'll try and link it above, listen to it. Its sounds good, well, to me at least, lol)

After a while I finally decided on what to wear. I chose some light blue ripped jeans, with a simple white crop top. And decided to wear my adidas black high tops. With some white socks. Simple but look like I made an effort.

I laid out everything for later. After that I turned my music off. And turned on the TV that was in my room and put on netflix. I was scrolling through Netflix, just browsing through the multiple options of tv series and movies to watch. I finally settled in Friends. The hit 90s tv show.(How you doin'? We were on a break! Laughing my ass off, if you're a true fan of the show then you'd know what this means, who said it, and which episode it belongs to. Yayyyy! If you already don't know by now, it is my favourite tv show, yessir.)

After a while I looked over at my alarm clock to check what time it was it was only 3:30pm. Damn time really moving slowly today, huh. After that Maiya came into my room.

"Y/n I need your help please. Please help me. Only you can help me." She said fast, then plopped onto my bed and laid next to me and stared at the ceiling with her hands laying in her stomach. I paused the episode then turned in her direction. What could possibly be worrying her, my younger sister, Maiya, right now. "Yes yes yes, okay calm down and tell me what's wrong so I can try to help you," I said in response.

She sighed. Then continued, "Well you see there is this boy, his name is Ethan. I kindaaa, sort of, maybeee, have a little crush on him." She said. Oh my gosh, my little sister has a crush. This is so adorable. I was internally squealing right now. "You see he asked me out on a date and I want to say yes but you know how kai is about this stuff, especially anything that could end with heartbreak. I knowww, I'll be careful but I really wanna go. But I don't know what to wear or say to him or you know etc, etc." She said. Ohhh, that's why she came to me. I understand where she is coming from. My sister is almost 14 years old. So I guess it's an okay age to start going on dates, right? Right. "Of course, you know what, don't worry about kai, I'll handle him. I have my ways and as far as this Ethan boy goes, I see you really like him so I'll help you get ready and give you some tips. But if he hurts you or breaks your heart just know, he is gonna get a visit from me, kai and the boys and he better hope and pray we don't beat his ass black and blue." I said. As soon as I said those words she jumped off the bed, smiling from ear to ear. And gave me I think the tightest hug, I think I have ever recieved from her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are the best sister in the whole wide world and don't worry I'll be careful, but I doubt Ethan would do anything like that." She said. I laughed. "One, I'm your only sister. And two, Good. Three, well you should probably get your stuff ready, it's almost time for you to leave for your sleep over at Emma's place."I said. "Yeah you're right. Okay bye now I'll see you tommorow." She said then gave me a quick hug then left.

After that, I decided it was finally time to start getting ready. It was only 4:28pm. But I didn't have nothing else to do so why not....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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