Chapter 16.

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"There she goes!" Andre said as we watched the video. Evangeline took a knife out of her bra and stabbed that motherfucker.

"Boss, All the men are ready," Leo said through the speaker in my ear.

"Good. Be perfectly ready in 5."

"Yes, boss."

I will come now. Gattina.

"Let's go. We all are going in 4. Come." I said to Andre and Giovanni.

We got out of the room and walked to the big office, where we have all the meetings. As we walked I saw Alena and Lena talking.

"I'll be right there before we leave, inform them to be ready by now," I said to Andre, he nodded and he and Giovanni walked over to the big office. As I walked over to Alena and Lena.

"Lena, Alena," I said and nodded politely.

"Hey, you going to get the kitten?" Alena said.

"Yeah. And don't call her that. That is my name for her. She's mine kitten." I said. With a stern voice.

"Yeah yeah. I need to go. See you in the car, Xan." Alena said and tapped me on the shoulder in the process as she was walking to the office.

"So I need you to have her new room ready for her when she comes back. Everything needs to be perfect. Nothing else." I said to Lena and squinted my eyes at her.

She chuckled and said.

"Yes...The queen will have her room perfect when she comes home." She said and gave me a warm smile, and walked away.

The Queen.

My Queen.

I'd like that...

"Boss, we need to go." Alex's voice came to my ears, making me turn around and walk to the cars.

Now I will come and get you.



"He will come. And I know it." I said to Javier who was laying on the floor, still bleeding. It wasn't a really deep cut. But enough for him to lay still snd don't go up.

"Yeah. You have said that in about 1 hour now. He won't come." He said, staring me in the eyes. Looking at me with his disgusting smirk.

"Don't," I said. Making his smirk grow wider.

"I said, Stop!" I said now raising my tone."

"Ohh, I see. Now that I am the one that's bleeding and are weak, you think you have the power, no?" He said and began to laugh.

"No. But I know that I am not afraid of you anymore. You have destroyed that for me. A long time ago. When you almost killed me. Or making me kill myself for that matter!!" I screamed.


I looked behind me, as I had stood up as I screamed at Javier. The metal door flew open and a full army of men came in. I noticed Andre, Alex, Giovanni, and Leo.

"Evangeline, are you okay!?" Alex said, as he stood in front of me, shielding me for the rest of the as, as I came to realize I only stood in my underwear.


"Where is Xander?" I said, looking around. Only to see him, The king himself walking in. Holding a knife in his hands.

I ran to him as fast as I could. Him embracing me. He took off his jacket and put it around me. It was warm from his big body.

"Are you okay?!" He said cupping my cheeks and looking me right in the eyes.

His eyes...

"Yeah. Now I am. That you're here." I said and hugged him tightly, he hugs me back.


Hey!! Sooo one chapter,and then I'll update tomorrow!!

I don't know what u think,but I personally think it's better that it is a medium/short chapters. But many of em? Tell me what u think! ❤️

✔️𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐷𝑜 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡.18+(𝐵𝑂𝑂𝐾 1)   Where stories live. Discover now