Chapter 17.

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As Xander and all the men came to get me, we got in the car pretty quick. Except for the time Alex and Andre put me in the car, to only make Xander And Javier alone...

I didn't know what Xander was going to do to him. But I know that Dead. He's gone. Forever. It feels like I can fully, finally breathe again.

As Xander got into the car we began to drive. It was eight black Audi's. Me, Xander, Alex, and Andre in one car and the rest of the men in the other seven of them.

Now I was in the backseat with Xander, Giovanni, Andre while Alex drove the car. It was about two hours car drive from here to the mansion. So I could sleep for a while.

I curled up into Xanders warm and big lap. While his arm was stroking my back, squishing me tighter into him.

This is comfy. I can stay like this forever...

"Sleep, Tesoro." He said and looked down at me, with a big warm smirk. I fast let me consume to the warmth of Xander, and the little music playing on the radio. Making me comfortable, I fall fast asleep.

(2 hours later.)

I woke up with two big arms wrapping around me. Making me snug into the big, warm, hard chest. I could smell that it was him. His cologne smelled so masculine. But at the same time, so nice,like vanilla?

"You can sleep again. I will take you to your new room." He said. Walking with me into the mansion.

As he had walked up the stairs, we walked into a room. A big beautiful room! It was white, grey and a little pink in this room!


"You like it?" He said an unsure emotion on his face. He layed me down on the bed. Making me fast feel cold, and empty without his warmth...

"Co-Could you please stay with me...?" I asked. The 'stay' was barely there. Bit he heard it.

"You sure...? I don't want to make you uncomfortable?" He said. Standing in front of me, on the bed, edge.

"Y-Yes...please? You make me feel safe..." I said again.

He chuckled a little, making my cheeks warm and surely bright red...

"Okay then...Just gonna get my stuff. I'll be back in just a few minutes." He said and walked out of the room. Just like he said, he came back just a few minutes later. In a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants.

He curled up beside me, pulling me over to him. Making my arm lay on his chest and my leg over his waist. This was extremely comfortable.

As I was dozing off in my sleep again, his hands stayed on my back and hair all the time...not stopping once. Just paying attention to me.


I'll fall for him...and hard...


That's it guys!!! More tomorrow!! Loveee,KSN!❤️

✔️𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐷𝑜 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡.18+(𝐵𝑂𝑂𝐾 1)   Where stories live. Discover now