𝐂𝐡.𝟕 ; 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐳 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫

722 42 6

George stood in the middle of the masquerade, speaking to his knight, Callahan. A smile was visible on his face as he spoke. the orchestra played a slow Russian waltz that filled the guests' ears. Others danced around them, some more properly than others.

the few children that were forced to come by their parents ran around recklessly, bumping into others and not caring.

George felt like someone was watching him though he wasn't sure who or what was. He looked around wearily from time to time to see if he could see anyone that could cause that feeling, yet there was no one.

The orchestra began playing one of the songs George, himself added to the list of songs to play. he adored how creepy it was.

The song was, Danse Macabre (Op.40) by Camille Saint-Saëns. The song was made to go to a certain poem but George didn't care, he just liked the eeiry vibe. 

George continued speaking to Callahan but was interrupted by a cold hand on his shoulder. it sent shivers down his body "Ah-" He was about to turn himself around but instead was forcefully turned around by the mysterious person.

The person was much taller than him with dirty blonde hair. His suit was forest green with a matching mask.

George didn't say anything, instead of letting the other guide him.

The music began picking up.

The mysterious person latched his hand's around George's waist. He was quickly put upright as his head shot up at the owner of the hands, his eyes meeting cold emerald ones. the eyes appeared cold but upon closer look, they were more filled with curiosity and questions as they didn’t hesitate to meet George's chocolate ones, reading his emotions so quickly that they seemed to break him down within seconds.

The blond quickly leaned down, imitating a polite bow, his hot breath so close to George’s skin he almost shuddered, his body only now reacting to what happened the last few seconds. He tried to back up, but his frail figure was no competition for the other’s strong and possessive grip, forcing him to stay in place as his heart raced with concern for his own well-being.

“Dance. Blend in. Wouldn’t want to stand out, would we?” The whisper heard directly into George’s ear made him shut his eyes for a moment, a shiver being sent down his spine immediately; yet again, not out of fear, but out of an unrecognizable emotion that the brunet could not describe. The blonde's tone was serious yet playful and teasing.

As George opened his eyes again, he was met with that same playful smirk as the rough hands moved from his waist and guided his own hands into a dance-able position. He was still stuck in place, even though his restrain was technically gone for a second, his expression mostly reading confusion and,

oh god, where did that pink on his cheeks come from?

the hands moved back to his waist as he wasn't capable of not following along with the other. This whole experience seemed like something out of a fairytale book. George moved his hands to the other's waist as he felt something sharp cut his finger. he carefully slid it out of where it had been.

As the two continued to dance to the loud music, the other’s chatter felt almost silent - the only things taking up their attention being each other.

The person had a curious smirk plastered on his face as he made sure his gaze thoroughly exposed George, aiming to make him feel vulnerable as he dominated the dance; George’s expression was confused as his gaze stayed low, everything seeming like a sudden blur as the music shouted into his ears.

the other’s touch was the only thing that George could feel, words not even needed at that moment. The blonde hovered over him, having the best prince suddenly frozen in his hands. He smirked in satisfaction, loving how easy it was to break people. All it took was a few seconds and an invitation to a dance, and he had George’s mind wrapped around his finger. He found it interesting how people like him, who let their emotions, guilt, ego, and morals get to them don't realize how easy it is to break them.

"Cat got your tongue, your highness?" He whispered again as he guided the brunet through the waltz swiftly, not making a single mistake as he kept his eyes on him. He didn’t like the lack of eye contact; he must say that everyone was right when they said that eyes are a mirror to the soul. He let go of George just to bring his hand up to his chin and slowly raise it with two fingers, forcing him to look up.

"W-Who even are you??" The prince stuttered nervously. the only response he got was a bit of laughter from the other.

The other found it almost cute how George was acting.

The blond’s thumb stroked George’s chin softly before going back to where it’s supposed to be in this dance, looking at the male almost sheepishly. the blonde leaned in again, this time his voice was laced with threat and cockiness, "you think I would tell you that?" His hot breath felt as if it was burning against George’s ear, sending a hot wave throughout his body as his porcelain cheeks were now somewhat tinted with pink.

George didn’t understand what was going on with him.
the mysterious male liked that.

The terrifying thought seemed to fade, as he slowly noticed how the blond’s face inched closer and closer to his, making his breath hitch. the loud music and their hot breaths seeming like a bittersweet symphony filling George’s ears. Even if he wanted, he couldn’t move away, feeling stuck in place as his knees trembled beneath him, the only thing keeping him upright being the bruising grip on his waist.
He felt the blond’s rough lips barely ghost over his, the hot breath tingling on them as he slowly parted them involuntarily, feeling his lungs give out for a minute. For a second, a slight moment, he inched closer, their lips now only millimeters away from touching - and, even though George knew this was so, so inherently bad since he didn't know who this person was, it felt addicting like he wanted to lean in despite all of his sensed yelling at him. They were blurred out by the blond moving away with a victorious expression on his face, his eyebrows slightly raised. Before the blonde had completely disappeared, he had placed a small bunch of royal blue cineraria flowers in George's hand.

George stood there in a daze, confused about what he just experienced. who was that? why did they do that? why did he like it? the last question confused him the most.

He was brought back by a hand waving in front of his face. It was Callahan. George sighed as he turned to Callahan who quickly began writing in his notebook again 'who was that?' Callahan tilted his head in curiosity as he turned the notebook around. "I-I don't know-" George stuttered again, he was really out of it now.

Callahan began scribbling again 'you're blushing, by the way.' Callahan giggled a bit as he wrote "Hey! No, I'm not! pretend that never happened!" George crosses his arms and half-yelled. 

The night ended like that, with a mysterious dance and laughter.

𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 - DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now