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Y/N P.O.V.

I was sleeping peacefully until I was suddenly woken up with a shake coming from my bed I woke up to see my brother Mark jumping on my bed at 7 am in the morning. "Oh finally your awake!" "Yes I am? Why are you so exited?" " How could you forget silly, IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL SENIOR YEAR HERE WE COME!" Crap I totally forgot about that, good thing Mark woke me up or else I would've been late to school. "Oh yea I forgot about that thanks for waking me up tell Jaehyun and Johnny I'll be ready soon." "Ok no rush little sis make sure you look good let's give a good first impression to the teachers ok!" Mark says while giving me a thumbs up then leaving the room. He's right I need to make sure my appearance is amazing today I need to stand out. I do my morning routine then pick out an outfit and what hair and make up I want to wear today.

Your outfit (Ik it's a bit fancy but keep in mind the school you attend to is high end and it's normal for kids in your area to dress up because everyone comes from a wealthy family)

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Your outfit
(Ik it's a bit fancy but keep in mind the school you attend to is high end and it's normal for kids in your area to dress up because everyone comes from a wealthy family)

I head downstairs and greet my brothers and then we leave to go to school

In the car

Jaehyun is driving while Johnny is in the front next to him and in the back I'm sitting next to Mark. Now days it's just me and my brothers since our parents are always busy working since I'm their only sister they really adore me but can also be to over protective at times but I do really love them. However I have always been closest to Mark not only is he my brother but he's really like a best friend to me I'm glad we all have 1 more year together before we have to go out separate ways to college. After thinking about my family life I realized we had arrived at school.

At School

Wow it's been so long since I've been here I'm so exited! Suddenly someone puts their hands over my eyes while back hugging me just by hearing their cute giggles I can tell it's the one and only Chenle. I turn around to him and smile and immediately and hug him I haven't seen him at all over the summer since he went to visit in China I missed him so much he's like a best friend to me.

Lia's P.O.V.
I arrived at the front of the school when I saw Chenle back hugging Y/N while giggling. I know their really close so I try not to get jealous even thought sometimes I'm convinced he likes her but who am I to judge I'm just a no body he probably doesn't even know my name I'm to scared to even approach Y/N when he's around or anyone for that matter. I'm not very popular so it's always awkward for me to try and hang out with Y/N's friend group. However this year is going to be different I want Chenle to notice me hopefully Y/N will help me she knows about my feelings towards Chenle and she is after all my best friend. I finally convinced myself to walk up to big group of boys they call nct and Y/N. As soon as I get close to them I hear someone ask me if I'm new. WHAT? I mean I know I'm not really popular but come on I've been at this school since freshman year. I look up to see who said that and I was shocked to see it's Chenle. He had his arm wrapped around Y/N's shoulders they almost looked like a couple. "I umm n-no I am not n-new i-ive been in your h-home room 4 years straight now." Dang it why did I have to stutter. "Oh really you have I've never noticed you" "Probably because of the outfits she's always wearing" I hear one of them say. It was the one named Lucas. " Yah stop being rude to her she's never done anything to any of you so why are you all being so ignorant" I suddenly feel someone pulling me away it was Y/N. I'm not surprised she's always standing up for me and taking care of some sometimes I feel like she's only my friend out of pity. As soon as she pulled me away the bell rings she quickly apologizes for their actions as well as give me a hug and then leaves to her class.

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