Ch 2: Start of Term Feast

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Abigail let out an exhale. She was finally back.

Away from her father, and the Malfoy Manor. Away from the pressure of a 'family name' and the stress she got from Death Eaters in her home.

Draco had told them to go ahead without him, and Pansy and Blaise just shrugged it off and got up to leave.

Abigail stayed, however, shooting her brother a confused look. He caught her eye and she raised her eyebrows as if to say, 'Are you alright?'

He just nodded and tilted his head to the side to silently tell her that it was okay to go ahead. Abigail felt a little uneasy leaving her brother, especially because she didn't know what was going on with him lately. However, she did it anyway, and got up slowly from her seat, giving him one more concerned look.

Draco was looking out of the window now, and Abigail figured he just wanted some time alone. They never really got any of that at Hogwarts.

As soon as she stepped off of the train and the door shut behind her, all the blinds in the Slytherin car shut.

Abigail just rolled her eyes at Draco, he was always so dramatic.

When she finally made her way to the entrance of the grounds of Hogwarts, Professor Filch was there beside her trunks.

"Name, please?" The charms professor said.

She furrowed her brow in confusion at him and said, "Professor, you know me."

He looked up at her over his clipboard and said, "Name, please."

She just sighed and said, "Abigail Malfoy."

"Thank you, Miss. Malfoy. Now, do you mind if we check your trunks?"

"Check my trunks? What's this about?" She said, crossing her arms. She had a strong feeling that this had to do with the fact that she was a Malfoy.

"Just a precautionary measure, my dear. We're doing it to all the students." He gestured to the other entrance, where Professor McGonagall was with the last few students and trunks.

Abigail looked back at Flitwick and nodded, uncrossing her arms. "Oh, okay. Then yes, that's fine."

Flitwick motioned to the aurors that they could continue their search and Abigail just stood and watched. They didn't mess up her things too badly, so she guesses that was a bonus.

"She's all good," One of the aurors said to Flitwick.

"Very well," Flitwick said to him, before turning back to Abigail. "You may go enjoy the feast now, the Sorting Ceremony will be starting soon."

Abigail offered a slight smile, still a bit thrown by the whole search. She did always like the Sorting Ceremony though, so she walked quickly to the Great Hall.

When she entered, a majority of the seats at the tables were taken, and she lingered in the door for a bit. She managed to find Ron, who had met her eye and waved enthusiastically with a wide smile. Abigail just laughed and shook her head fondly before turning to head to the Slytherin table.

She sat down, and only a few moments later the food appeared. Hogwarts food was amazing, and the Start of Term Feast was above everything else. Once she had gotten enough food to fill about half her plate, (she liked to take small servings and take as she went) she noticed Draco walking through the door.

He looked more shaken up than she was from the search, or at least that's what she assumes it is from. Who knows with him, honestly.

He sits down next to her, because she had left a space for him, and no one would dare to take a seat from Draco Malfoy. Abigail always thought it was quite funny how scared of Draco everyone was. He's really just dramatic. And not to mention, mostly talk. He'd never actually get someone in trouble on purpose. Anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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