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       He didn’t look any different from humans. Not even his face. That’s the thing I remember the most about the first time I met him. Or he met me. I’m still not sure which was which. He took me.  That, I do know. Because here I am, and there he is. Also, there’s Jenna over there, looking up at him and giggling at something he said. Probably teasing her. It took him awhile to learn about teasing and jokes, but he’s a lot better at it now.

       Back when he first kidnapped me, he was so serious, all the time. He told me they had all the same emotions and feelings, but were taught not to show them. I laughed and said he didn’t need to do the Spock impression anymore. Not if I was going to stay. And he frowned and tilted his head, curious, I guess. So I explained it to him. Ever since, he’s been “practicing” by teasing me incessantly. And then, Jenna, after she came along.

       He's an alien, but aliens aren't exactly what you think they are. Not all of them are, anyway. He's not a little green man from Mars, or one of those grays that everybody talks about. He doesn’t have big black bug-eyes or look like a frog. He's not from outer space. He's from a parallel dimension. 

       Yep. All that stuff about quantum physics and quantum jumping? It’s real. Don’t give me that look; I’ve seen him do it! And what’s more—I’ve done it with him. So just wipe that look off your face right now, you. You asked, so I’m telling you. Just listen.

       So now, I guess you’re wondering, why I didn’t fight or try to get away. Well, I did, at first. When I tried to get out of the “ship,” he just came and took me back to my “quarters.” I tried to fight him, but he didn’t even blink. He just held me and let me tire myself out.

       I don’t remember when it changed. I just remember that it did. One day, he just decided he didn’t want to turn me over to “them.” I still don’t know exactly who they are. I just know he was supposed to take me to them. Now, we’re in hiding from them, and we have Jenna. Yes, he’s her father. And I’m her mother.

       There you go again, with that look on your face. Don’t judge. It just happened. We fell in love, and that’s where we are. Parents of a very precocious 3-year-old.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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