Valentines Day!!!!

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Welcome to Fab People news! ~Kara

Today we are gonna talk about Valentines day since it's about to come! ~Shira

Now you may think we're gonna talk about what to do and what not to do and all that when yiu have a valentine right? ~Kara

Wrong!! Today we are going to be talking about what to do on Valentines Day when you don't HAVE a valentine. ~Shira

Yup! What to do and what not to do will be with... Two people who will now be in this account *laughs* ~Kara

ANYWHO!! Here's what to do on Valentine's Day *smiles* ~Shira

One! Hangout with friends who don't have a valentine. That way you can both apend time with each other *nods* ~Kara

Two! Go to a party or a club with friends. You don't need a guy to go to a club/ party, you can always go with your friends *smiles* ~Shira

Three! Stay home and watch romantic movies while eating ice cream... Hey thats what I'm fonna do anyways *shrugs* ~Kara

*in the backround* No your not! ~Shira

-_- ~Kara

Four! Have a sleep over with friends! Ya know... Laughing and giggling, talking about future boyfriends... Sh*t like that *gives a thumbs up* ~Shira

And last but not least five ~Kara

Take random selfies for instagram, snapchat, all that. *giggles* ~Shira

Okay guys so those are the things you can do on Valentines Day *smiles* ~Kara

We are sorry if this is... kinda not helpful but *shrugs* Oh whale! ~Shira

So comment and vote and we will see you ~ Kara

*takes deep breath* Next time. Bye! ~Both

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