Breaking News!

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K: Breaking news here on this week of Fab People News, Luna Star is now inactive.

S: Thats right Kara, Luna from XLuna_StarX are now inactive

K: We did get a little interview with Luna before she went inactive today so, let's take a look.

*Shows a video of Shira, Kara and Luna*

S: So Luna how do you feel about this whole Wattpad Thing?

L: Well it is kind of stressful because your always so busy because of school and everything but um...

K: But what?

L: M-Me and Admin were thinking of... Going inactive

S: Is it okay if you tell us why?

L: ~nods slowly~ I-It's just that everything is just... K-Kind of horrible for Admin, but also I think it's time for me to step away from this whole thing and just don't come back until Spring Break or Summer

K: And why is that?

L: ~Sighs~ Lately I felt like a terrible friend. I haven't been talking to any of my friends and even if I do it always starts with a Hi and then at the end Thats good from me and I just... ~shakes head~.I-I just don't think I should come back

*Video ends*

S: Wow, if you have read her last update you can see that Admins grandfather-

K: Also best friend

S: Has cancer and seems as the doctors don't know if he will make it.

K: We wish you the best for both Admin and Luna

S: I think we should start a trend #GetWellSoon #Wishyoutwowell or #MissyouLuna just so when she does come back she can feel welcomed back

K: I agree, so let's start the trend starting now, it would show her that she's welcomed home *nods*

S: Agreed, well now that it is all for this week of Fab People News and as always we will see you

K and S: *takes deep breath* Next time *waves*

K: Bye guys

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