Terracotta's Boyfriend

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Obsidian was late. The gong already sounded and she still needed to get her books. Finally she arrived at the classroom as sweat ran down her forehead and her breathing was heavy. Everyone stared at her appearance and her teacher gave Obsidian the glare.
"Your late." She growled as she tapped her bamboo pointer stick on her palm.
Obsidian gulped,
"Sorry I just needed to get something important and..." But her blabbering was interrupted by the teacher.
"This is your last warning Obsidian." The teacher grumbled as she gave Obsidian another death glare.
Obsidian nodded and sat next to Sunbeam who was on her right side and Storm on the left.
"Psst. Storm you owe me a chicken and your two special rubber bands." Whispered Sunbeam as she leaned across Obsidian to be able to speak to Storm.
Storm grumbled and nodded as he crossed his arms snarling.
"Ah hem." Sunbeam said as she gestured with her eyes with the elastic bands around his horn.
"Alright alright I know." Storm snapped back as he took them off and placed them in Sunbeam's open Talon.
Sunbeam snickered as an achieved smile appeared on her face.
"Obsidian! Now that I have Storm's rubber bands he won't be able to shoot our butts anymore!" Sunbeam whispered joyfully. Obsidian's face grew wide and gave Sunbeam a Talon bump. Storm usually had a habit (I wouldn't call it a habit if I were you) of shooting rubber bands at dragons especially his friends Sunbeam, Obsidian and Terracotta.
"How did you get them, what did you do to win a chicken and Storm's rubber bands?" Obsidian asked after her and Sunbeam's little celebration.
"Oh a bet. We betted that if you came late like you always do, I will get the chicken and is rubber bands. But if you came on time then I would lose and I will have to convince Terracotta to get more rubber bands for him" Sunbeam said blankly.
"Hey!! I'm always on time!" Obsidian interjected making Terracotta snicker.
"Er. Right Ms. Late Pants." Terracotta whispered already causing steam to escape Obsidian's fuming ears.
"Shut up Terrafatta." She grumbled laughing a bit.
Then the gong rang.
"LUNCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH( click here for 1000 more messages)!!!" Roared Terracotta as Obsidian saw her jump off her seat and zoom towards the prey center, leaving a trail of smoke behind her.
"That's Terracotta for ya." Storm grumbled as he rolled his eyes.
"Tell me about it." Sunbeam said with a laugh.
They followed the trail of smoke Terracotta made and arrived at the prey center. There on the largest rock ledge rested Terracotta with a mountain of food behind her. Go figure. After Obsidian, Storm and Sunbeam gathered up their food they squeezed next to Terracotta who chewed on her food happily.
"Sooo. What do you guys wanna talk about?" Sunbeam asked as she took a bite of her chicken Storm owed her.
"FOODD!" Terracotta roared her mouth full.
"Will ya shut up about food for once!! We are eating lunch for goodness sake!" Storm cried as he did a face Talon.
"OOH...right." Terracotta chucked.
While Storm and Terracotta continued to argue about food and such and whatever, Sunbeam came up with a disturbing question.
"So. Obsidian? Do you have a crush?" Sunbeam asked arching her eyebrow and giving Obsidian a mischievous smile.
Obsidian blushed,
"Um...erm...uh no..,argh." Obsidian stuttered as a bead of sweat ran down her scales.
Sunbeam frowned,
"Come on Obsidian!! Tell me!" Sunbeam cried shaking Obsidian's shoulders.
"Ah, no." Obsidian said as she laughed at Sunbeam's lower lip which was quivering.
"Please?" Sunbeam said now trying to be cute.
Obsidian rolled her eyes,
"Pretty please?"
"Ar ugh NO!"
"Just once I won't tell anydrgon."
"NOOOO!!" Obsidian roared as Terracotta jumped and looked at them.
"What are you guys arguing about." Terracotta asked as Storm flew away to get a some more food.
"I WANT TO KNOW HER,"YOU KNOW WHAT" BUT SHE WONT TELL ME!!" Sunbeam faked sobbed as she moved her hands to pretend to play drama music with an imaginary violin.
"Ohhh that "you know what." Chuckled Terracotta as she sat next to them giving Obsidian the arched eyebrow.
"You have a crush eh?" Terracotta said her eyebrow still arched up.
"Um maybe...no...wait I guess. Wait what!!" Obsidian stuttered as she blushed a deep red.
Sunbeam and Terracotta laughed.
"Well good luck on finding your true love. I already found mine." Terracotta said causally as she chomped on her cow flank.
"WHAT!! MY BESTIE HAS A BOYFRIEND!!!" Sunbeam screamed as she jumped 20 feet in the air.
"Yeah so what." Terracotta said as she ate another bite.
"IM YOUR BFF AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!!" Sunbeam cried in Terracotta's ear.
"Uh well I thought you might not approve." Terracotta said chuckling.
"WHAT WE WILL ALWAYS APPROVE!!" Obsidian exclaimed now out from her trance of shock.
"TELL US!!" Both Obsidian and Sunbeam roared causing Terracotta to fall on her butt.
"Um should i?" Terracotta asked as she rubbed her sore butt.
"YES!!" The two dragons screamed.
"Well...my first boyfriend is hamburger and then..." Terracotta began but was interrupted by Sunbeam.
"Wait your boyfriend is named hamburger and...wait why did you say first." Sunbeam said but soon was given a glare by Terracotta.
"Do you want me to tell you or not!!" Terracotta growled.
"Yes yes go on now!!" Obsidian groaned.
"As I was saying, first boyfriend is Hamburger, then dumpling, then cheese burger, then pizza, then egg roll, then cake, then meatball, then noodles, then...." Terracotta began to rant her favorite foods she loves very, very, very much.
Both Sunbeam and Obsidian facetaloned and sighed, clearly disappointed with Terracotta's answer.
"Man, she really got me there." Sunbeam grumbled as she just stared at Terracotta who kept numbering all her boyfriends.
"Hell yeah, tell me about it." Obsidian murmured as she did another facetalon.
Then the two dragons flew off as they left Terracotta to her ranting off of her "Boyfriends"
Storm suddenly appeared back with more food and noticed Terracotta naming a bunch of stuff he couldn't make out.
"What are you doing Terracotta?" Storm asked as he combined his pile with Terracotta's.
"OH! I'm naming my boyfriends." Answered Terracotta giving Storm a goofy smile.

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