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"No dude," dom was telling Rook, the next morning, "he fucking cut me off and kissed me."

Colson walked in and put his head on Dom's shoulder, "You don't have to tell everyone Dom." Dom just leaned his head on Colson's and said, "Why are you up so early? Its only 9 Kells." Colson just made eye contact and said, "Because sleeping in your bed isn't as warm and enjoyable when you're not in it with me." Rook just smiled at the two as Colson dragged Dom back to bed. This time, Colson was in Dom's arms.

(Bold is Colson, italics is Dom)

"I was cold when you left the bed"

"Well Rook wanted to know what happened last night. the guys are worried about you"

"I'll be fine Dom. Its heard, but ill be fine."

"you sure?"

"yes but what's up with you and Casie?"

"Dude basically her ex, Timothee, was like toxic I guess. he didn't let her talk to anyone. she finally got out the relationship, took the kids and basically ran. she said she wants to go back to mom and I think that will be good."

Colson just nodded and the two stayed in bed for the day and ended up falling asleep.

Pete decided to be childish as usual and wake the two up. He ran into the room jumping up and down on the bed by Dom and Colson's feet. Finally Colson flipped Pete off and Pete said, "Travis told me to wake you guys up to eat since its 5." Dom and Colson groaned as they both got up. Pete left the room walking backwards walking into the wall then shut the door on the way out.

Dom was stretching and Colson walked up behind him. He put his arms around Dom and put his head on Dom's back. Dom turned around and Colson kissed him. The two walker out the room together and sat down at the kitchen table to eat chicken Rook and Travis made.

It was silent other than chewing and forks against the plates. Rook was tired of the the silence so he said, "Look Colson, I know you just lost you're only family member, but you can't be fucking with Dom's feelings." Colson made eye contact with Rook, "Rook, you know how my dad was. He found out about me and Dom that one time. I don't know how but he knew. he would have ruined mine and Dom's life. but obviously, he can't do shit about it now." Colson grabbed Dom's hand and held it under the table.

~time skip a week later~

The past week Dom and Colson have spent a lot of time together. They slept in the same bed every night and kissed many times.

However, Dom didn't know what him and Colson were. One night while Travis and Rook disappeared together, probably somewhere fucking since there was suspicions of the two. Pete was out probably smoking and getting high. Colson was sitting up on the couch watching "Misfits" on Hulu. Dom was laying on the couch, head on Colson's lap scrolling through tiktok. Colson was playing with Dom's hair. "Hey Kells," Dom started, "can you pause this for a minute so I don't distract you from it?" Colson paused the t.v. and smile at Dom and said, "What's up babe?" Dom smiled at the name, looking Colson in the eyes. "Um," Dom paused, "what..what are....we.?" Colson stood up and said, "Hold on one second."

Colson walked to his and Dom's room they were staying in at thw new house. He was in there for a couple of minutes before walking back out. Dom was sitting up now, back on tiktok. He put his phone down when Colson say next to him. Colson grabbed Dom's hand and said, "Um, if we're gonna be honest, I've been wanting to ask you out properly. But we don't ever have any alone time, and I would rather get rejected with it only being us two than other people." Dom just giggled and said, "Shut up wanker"

Colson replied with, "But I'm you're wanker and you're my twat. Now, Dominic Richard Harrison, will you please be my fucken boyfriend?" Colson had a promise ring in his hand as Dom said, "Hell fucken yea dude!" Colson put the ring on Dom's hand and kissed Dom softly.

When that happened, it was around 6 pm. The other guys came home around 8. Travis and Rook had to go get Pete because he was zooted as fuck. When the three guys walked in, Dom and Colson were laughing and in really good moods. Travis looked at the two and said, "What up with you two? Fuck did you eat the brownies on the table?" Colson chuckled and replied, "No we didn't eat Pete's pot filled brownies. But this twat is finally my fucken boyfriend." Dom just smiled at Colson before looking at the guys. Pete, who was leaning on the wall said, "I told you guys it would happen today when they were alone you own me five dollars each." Travis and Rook rolled their eyes before giving Pete the money. Dom laughed and Colson playfully gasped and said, "how dare you make a bet on me!"

Dom kept looking at Colson's lips as he talked to the others. Colson knew that Dom was, so he would lick his lips every so often biting the bottom one occasionally. That went on for about an hour before thw others went to bed.

Colson smiled and looked at Dom and said, "Do it pussy."

With that, Dom started making out with Colson.

Author's note;
Well this is the end depending on how this goes, I might make a sequel type thing or just a whole new story this was kinda an experiment lol

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