After the first fight, the cats of each group resigned from their quarrel with each other and entered a tense truce, though that was short lived as more battles happened.
Only the rogues knew why the fight even became a thing...It didn't matter in t...
Change: Due to traps being outdated from a time without scheduled attacks, they will now deal 1-10 damage to each animal that isn't a cat if they aren't with a group of cats, and 0-10 damage to a total group if there is at least one cat in it.
The Sunrays have started a location battle with 4 different locations! The DriftClan cats will automatically be on flat ground. The Sunrays will have a 50% chance to move when they are attacked. It is recommended to look at the information page, under the section "Types of Battles" for more information about location battles.
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Flat Ground: - 50% chance to cause 0 damage when attacking cats in the tall grass - 50% chance to do +1 damage when attacking cats in the ditch - 50% chance to do -2 damage when attacking cats in the ditch - +1 damage when attacking cats in the lone tree
Lone Tree: - +2 damage caused when attacking cats in the flat ground and tall grass - 50% chance to deal +1 damage when attacking the ditch - 50% chance to deal 0 damage when attacking cats in the ditch - 50% chance to cause 0 damage when attacking cats in the tall grass
Ditch: - 50% chance to cause -2 damage when attacking cats in the lone tree - 50% chance to cause +1 damage when attacking cats in tall grass and flat land - 50% chance to cause -1 damage when attacking cats on flat land - 50% chance to deal 0 damage when attacking cats in tall grass - 50% chance to cause +2 damage when attacking cats in the lone tree
Tall Grass: - 50% chance to cause -1 damage when attacking cats in the lone tree - 50% chance to cause +1 damage when attacking cats in the lone tree - 50% chance to cause -1 damage when attacking cats in the ditch - 50% chance to cause +1 damage when attacking cats on flat land
Dewpaw and Yewpaw are old enough to rank up to warriors! Use /rank up to (new name) to rank up!
Eggpaw and Flamingpaw are old enough but not skilled enough to rank up! Train up some more to rank up.