Chapter 1

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I don't know how I ended up in this position, and I frankly don't know how to get out of it. I slowly and discreetly remove the arm of the number 3 hero from my bare waist as I slowly try to slip out of his unbelievably big bed. What had happened and led you to sleep with the number 3 hero? YOU DON'T KNOW. Once free from his grasp you watch him for a few seconds before sighing in relief when he didn't wake up or move

'Thank god for heavy sleepers' you think as you shakily slide on the dress you had worn on the nights out the night before, now that you think of it, where the hell was your best friends and why did they let this happen, deciding to think of it when you WEREN'T half naked you looked around for your p/c phone case and was glad when it was sat next to your purse on soft chair, you hurriedly took your phone and purse and slipped on the heels you now regretted wearing, your legs currently aren't stable enough to walk in these wretched things

Either way you quickly but quietly got ready making sure to throw a glance at the sleeping figure on the bed, his white and red hair falling messily on the pillow he laid on, you sighed again, how could you seriously let this happen in your calm life, you gonna have a good chat with your best friends, Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu when you were safely out of this predicament

You glanced once more at the man on the bed before stealing a black hoodie from his closet, it was chilly after all and all you wore was a dress

'Sorry oh lord i'm sorry please don't put me in jail for theft' you think as you slip it over your body, it was quite big so it fit you perfectly, you were smart enough to know that anyone could be outside and taking pictures so you had to take caution for both you and the hero who slept soundly. Taking a look in the mirror and making a annoyed face as you saw how disheveled your hair looked even though you took a while doing it, but now wasn't the time

As you were about to leave you thought about leaving a note for the hero, you paused and shook your head deciding not to, he most likely wouldn't remember this anyways, he was a hero and number 3 at that, your probably not the first nor the last, with those thoughts in mind you scrunch up your nose in disgust and slight sadness, you knew you were better than this, mental note, don't let your friends ever drag you out ever again

You made your way out the room and walked with your hood up around the house trying to ignore the weird stares his maids and servants gave to your figure as you walked through the halls in embarrassment taking turns and opening doors trying to find your way out, you groaned when you opened a door and was met with like the 5th bathroom

'Jesus crisp how much fucking bathrooms does this house have..' you think closing it, you turn around and jump at the maid who curiously glanced at you at a close proximity

"Uhhh" you say not knowing what to say, she giggles then laughed a bit before pointing down a hall

"The stairs are that way and then walk straight and take a left and right and there's the exit door!" She says and you let out a sigh of relief, you send her a light smile and thank her by bowing a bit

"Thank you so much" you say as you stand up straight again, the girl with light brown hair pulled into a messy bun smiles at you kindly

"It's not a problem, when this happens once in a blue moon, I'm usually the one to help the lady in question" he says laughing a little and beginning to walk down the hallway waving for you to walk with her

You try to keep up a smile as your hypothesis seems correct, you weren't the first, not that you had feelings for the heromatic boy but you did not want to be a person who does one night stands personally, you don't judge if someone else wants to though

"So I'm not the first huh?" you laugh a little as you guys walk down the long and kind of empty hallway, she nods sending you a sympathetic smile, probably knowing exactly what you were thinking

One night stand (Todoroki x fem!reader) Where stories live. Discover now