Chapter -1-

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     Koi Arlet, an unbonded omega who joined the 104th cadet training. Omegas are not common inside the training groups, many omegas would rather stay at home and wait for an alpha to find them. Koi, on the other hand, would rather have to fight for his freedom than wait for some alpha to save him. 

     For the last couple months, omegas have been forced to be paired with an alpha or beta. The human population has been spiraling downwards, titans having been destroying the human race. The King has decided that being paired with another would raise the human race's chances at becoming whole again.

    For Koi though, this is a challenge. When Koi had first presented, he had been diagnosed as barren. A useless omega, a disgrace. His parents had been furious with Koi, but what could Koi do for himself anymore. Besides deciding to become a scout, Koi had nothing else left in his life to look forward to. For all Koi knows, his only living cousin, Armin Arlet, had been killed by the armored and colosal titan five years ago.

-Present Time-

     Koi stands in line with the rest of his comrades, still and tall. Keith Shadis, a powerful alpha that strikes fear inside Koi's soul, stands in front of the recruits, degrading each and every one of them. Although, Shadis has yet to lay his eyes upon Koi which is a surprise to Koi since he has an unusually strong omega scent.

     Koi can indentify a faint smell of coffee beans, he knows that smell by heart now. His only family left, Armin. Armin stands up for Koi when he can't stand up for himself. Eren and Mikasa treat Armin and Koi like they are their own family. Koi had only known Eren and Mikasa for about four years less than Armin had know them.

     Jean has a very different smell to him, he smells like fruit. Koi doesn't know exactly what fruit he smells like but it's a very nice thing to smell everyday. Jean has always been nice to Koi, not treating him any different than he treats any one else, almost like Koi is one of the alphas. Eren's scent is always welcoming, he smells like fresh rain. Koi likes the smell of Eren, when Koi is in distress or is having a panic attack, he has always held Eren's hand close to his cheek; Eren has soft hands.

     Koi especially loves the scent of Mikasa and Sasha. Mikasa smells like the flowers that grew in his backyard as a child, her scent reminds Koi of his home and he feels safe when he's around her. Sasha on the other hand has the scent of freshly baked bread, this always brings a warm feeling in his heart. Both of these strong women treat Koi as their little brother, always protecting him and helping him out when he is lost or confused.

     "And you," Koi hears Shadis a couple feet away from him, yelling at one of his good friends Jean. "Why are you here?"

     "To get into the military police and live in the interior walls, sir!" Koi flinches when he hears Jean's voice waver slightly. 'You couldn't have given another dumb response?' Koi thinks sourly. Almost immediately, Jean gets punched in the stomach and he lets out a loud groan, falling to the ground in a heap of dirt and holding his stomach. Koi turns his eyes for only a couple seconds to stare at Jean then he averts his eyes back to stare out in front of him.

     "You want to live easily, do ya? Well, I can already tell that you won't make it far with that stupid attitude!" Shadis yells, causing the majority of the recruits to flinch, each and every one letting out a distress pheromone. Jean quickly stands up, getting back into his standing position and saluting Shadis quickly and yelling out a 'sir'.

     Koi refuses to let his eyes wander, just in case Shadis decides that then is a good time to yell at Koi. Shadis doesn't say anything for a few moments, simply walking around and intensly staring at each cadet in the face while silently judging them. Koi freezes when Shadis stops right in front of him, leaning down and staring at Koi.

     Shadis stares at Koi with curiosity, "who are you, soldier?" Koi sighs mentally to himself, trying to come off as confident even though he is shaking like a leaf. 

     "Koi Arlet, sir!" Koi salutes, pounding a fist on his chest and his other behind his back, looking up to Shadis in his intense eyes. Shadis stands to his full height, towering over Koi and his trembling form. "Why are you here, Arlet?" Shadis asks after a quiet couple of seconds.

     Koi hesitates before answering, "to save humanity and prove that omega's are just as good as any alpha, sir!" That answer surprised Shadis slightly and Koi feels proud for that moment. He can feel many curious looks being thrown at him, smells of distress grow stronger and Shadis must have noticed this as he has backed away. Koi is confused as to where the distress scent is coming from, but he refuses to check, the scent continues to grow stronger behind him, clouding his vision almost.

     Shadis walks away, not saying a word to Koi's response. Everyone has been on edge all morning and throughout lunch, today is the day that the cadets find out who their fated mates are. Koi has heard so many people talking about someone named Levi Ackerman, although Koi has no idea who that is. Koi had been told some stories of this Levi Ackerman, but he has yet to even know what he looks like. With the way that everyone talks about him, he must be some big, tall, and strong alpha that slays titans without any fear.

     "Today, cadets, is the day that you will meet your fated mate. I know that you were only told that you are going to be told their names but-" Shadis gets cut off by someone screaming the two words everyone dreads. 

     "Titans incoming!"


Hello my loves! First chapter up, I know the story might seem like it's going fast but I just prefer to not spend too much time on the beginning and would rather get to the juicy parts <3

Much love and I hope you like the first chapter!

Koi Fish (Levi Ackerman x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now