Yeo Reum's Tears:-

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(Yeo Reum was folding all the clothes
By that time Kim Wook came shouting)

Kim Wook:Mom!
I told you this has to be washed
(By seeing Yeo Reum he stopped)

Yeo Reum:Sigh,she is not here

(While taking another cloth for folding)
( Kim Wook found that it's his underwear)

Kim Wook: What the,that's my underwear!
(Yeo Reum stand up)

Yeo Reum:I thought they were shorts,okay?!
Fold your own clothes!

(And Yeo Reum  threw Kim Wook underwear and leave Kim Wook does not understand and started  rubbing his hair)

Kim Wook:Hmph

(Kim Wook went to a mall and started eating Ice cream and playing Video Game while going he found Yeo Reum on Park  she was swing slowly and she look sad )

Kim Wook:(Hey isn't that Yeo Reum)
(He looked at himself )

Yeo Reum taking to her mom on phone:Yay,Wook's mom is taking good care of me
He's.....well he helps out too
We are in the same class anyway,so...
Yeah he takes care of me
Don't worry mom.

(Kim Wook was listing to Yeo Reum by hiding under a tree and he feel guilty towards Yeo Reum)

Yeo Reum:What you said it would be for a month!
Then when can I come home?
All right.....
(She ended the call and Yeo Reum started crying )

(By seeing Yeo Reum crying Kim Wook become sad too)
( A insect came flying towards Kim Wok)

Kim Wook:Ah!stop,stop no!

(Kim Wook fall down with a great sound)
(Yeo Reum heared a sound and stared  and saw Kim Wook fall infront of her)

(Kim Wook eyes was full with tears as if he was crying hearing Yeo Reum)

Kim Wook:Oh Hey...
You want some(and take out a ice cream packet)

(Yeo Reum wipe her tears with her hand)

Your tears:-

"A reflection of how I treated you."

(Again on next morning Kim wook mom prepared fish)

Yeo Reum:Ugh...

(Before she could touch the fish Kim Wook take the hole fish and eat it)

Yeo Reum:Huh?

Kim Wook:Either say something or just dont eat it.



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