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5 years later

Otsuka Ayano stood in the doorway to the living area as Suna picked up the phone. She watched his expression change from curious to shocked. She watched his mouth fail to form words. She watched him drop to his knees, his chest heaving with sobs. 

But when she dropped down beside him, when she saw his face, she knew that he was not crying out of devastation. She knew he was crying out of relief, out of joy.

In that moment, she knew what the call was.

Suna Rintarou's family met them at the police station. He was nervous to see his parents after such a long time apart, and the interactions they had were awkward and kept to a minimum. 

When the police brought the boy out, Suna did not rush forward.

After around seven years, Suna has not forgiven himself. He watched as his parents rushed forward to hug their child; he watched as his sister picked her brother up and spun him around in joy.

Ayano didn't expect the family reunion to be like this, with Suna holding back. Suna had not imagined a reunion at all. 

The brother Suna had lost had been returned, and Suna was too guilty to look him in the eye.

He did not beg for forgiveness. He just stared.

Later, he confessed to Ayano that he hardly recognized the nine-year-old boy.

Years later, Suna found peace with his brother and himself. And Otsuka Ayano no longer existed; only Suna Ayano, wearing a ring decorated with amber and diamonds.


i was going to make the epilogue longer, but i decided that this would be a moment where few words are needed. if you dont understand: suna's little brother was kidnapped around six years ago, and suna had "failed to protect him". then, six years after the kidnapping, suna's brother was found healthy - traumatized, but healthy - in a nearby town. this is him being reunited with his family, and ayano becoming one of them.

qotd: what anime character do you think is husband material? for me, definitely daichi!! hbu?

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