Chocolate of Love

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Levi's POV

It's Valentine's Day, the day that I despise the most. No... Not because I don't have any dates, partner or whatsoever. It just watching the cadets and superiors doing that disgusting stuff together, like holding hands, flirting and even kissing- ugh, making me throwing up, literally, of course. I don't want to clean the fucking floor.

But that feelings washed away after I met a perfect cadet, who just stole my cold-hearted heart just by a few glances from her these past months.

Yeah, it's (y/n) (l/n). The one and only.

I just can't get enough of her beautiful silky (h/c) haired flowing as she runs laps, her lips that's literally made by god to be kissed, and oh- don't make me even started with her eyes. Her beautiful sparkling (e/c) eyes. I could be drowned by her beautiful eyes if she stares me.

To be exact, I'm Lovesick. No, I will not sing that song.

"Where's that cadet?" I irritatedly walk to the door and then towards my desk repeatedly. I know that she made tons of chocolates yesterday for her closest friends and also some of her superiors, especially Hange, as she is in Shitty glasses' squad.


The girls, (y/n), Hange, Mikasa, Christa and Sasha were making chocolates together while giggling who they were going to give it.

"So, (y/n)? While you making the chocolates, do you have certain someone in your mind?" Hange smirks.

"Well, almost all of you. I make lots of them to express my gratitude and loves for you guys,"(y/n) smile's sweet.

"Aww... That's so nice, (y/n), but this is Valentine's Day we're talking about. Don't you have someone, maybe a guy, that you want to confess to?" Hange grins widely.

"Nah... I don't think so," (y/n) giggles and puts her well-made chocolates into the fridge.

"Well, at least we know who you going to give to, Mikasa," Christa giggles. Mikasa blushes and continues to washes the dishes.

"And it's obviously Ymir that you will be giving to, Christa," Sasha laughs. Christa blushes but giggles cutely. "While I will be giving to my beautiful tummy! Aren't you excited Sasha's junior?" Sasha rubs her stomach playfully as she drools at her own imagination.

"But, (y/n)! You must want to give at least a special chocolate to a certain someone!" Hange tried to give some hints to (y/n) but (y/n)'s not buying it.


"Yeah?" Hange's eyes sparkles.

"Your oh-so-special-sweets is burning," (y/n) points to the oven that literally catches on fire.

"Oh no! The poison brownies that I've made for shorty!!! Now I can't change him into a child!"

[Back to present]

I'm glad that I saw Hange's brownies got burnt or I would be a demon who only knows how to shit.

I slump myself on my chair and sighs. These past months I'm with (y/n), I never made her punishments worse than cleaning horse's shits. The punishment laps were only ten compared to the Jaeger kid who got 100 just because he broke my favourite room. Come to think of it, I've should give him stable duties for five months. Why did I give him such easy punishment-- Oh, (y/n) was there with him... I got soft-hearted when I saw her angelic face.

"God! She's really late! Wait- maybe there are none for me?!" I started to panic but right on cue, a knock from the door makes me get into my serious posture again.

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