Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

(Just remember Kristina has depression and troubles and that)

We finally landed in snow heaven, when i walked out of the plane i collapsed in the snow. I had very little service here, i got an email saying

'You will never know what will happen when you come back'

I have been getting these a lot recently, i havent told anyone yet,

"Kristina you okay? You look a little distraught," Sam asked me

I said nothing, but i put my arms around his waist, I needed comfort, i never had any since the day...

"Whats the date today?" I asked my voice muffled against Sam's hard chest

"Its the 15th of January" He said, i let go and walked away, i put my skis on and skied down the hill.


i hugged her back, im guessing she needed comfort.

"Whats the date today?" She asked her voice muffled against my body.

"Its the 15th of January" I said unsure, she walked away and put her skis on and skied down the hill.

I saw Coach Kaleb's face change,

"Whats up with you two?" I asked

"She is always like this on this date, so you shouldnt talk to her" he said so darkly that i couldnt speak back at him. I backed off after that, I put on my skis, last week had been grueling, with the hard ass training. Well, i have gotten musclar and abs,

I skied down the hill faster than i wanted to go, I lost control for a second then i got back together and slowed down, I saw Kristina sitting fown with her head on her knees, I decided to go over to her and comfort her,

"Dont, she can handle it" Coach said, When Kaleb walked into this hut thing, i went straight over to Kristina, I sat down next to her and hugged her

"Why did she die" she mumbled, Who is 'she' and how did she die?

"Its all my fault"

"Its not," i said

"How would you feel if YOUR Mum died?" She snapped

"Its been 7 years since she died, she was driving on the Harbour Bridge in Auckland and a truck clumsily went into the side and she poked her head out and cursed the driver, little did she know that her head snapped off, I came out of the hospital with no voice and a broken elbow because she suddenly stopped thr car and my elbow hit the door, and memory loss, because i had a head injury, i lost memories of the happy times that me, my Mum and Dad were happy together, i think i heard someone say, that she was pregnant. I was going to have a sibling" She told the story of her Mum's death,

I said nothing to her.


I walked to this place we were staying in and went to my room, i get a personal room, the boys have to share, I grabbed my razor and went into the bathroom, i took off my jacket and shirts off, until i was in my bras, I put the razor on my skin and slid it, hard enough to make it bleed.

"I wish my life was easier" i said aloud,

I thought back to the scene of me and Daisy after, i could speak after my Mum died

Me and Daisy had been hugging, she had told me something that she never kept, it was a promise, a promise that was hard to keep

"I will be with you through everything, if you cut, i cut, i will help you from your Dad"

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