Chapter 7

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Me and Gin made the Scottish soccer team, Taylor and Tanner decided that they wont play, and that they will play for the local team. Storm had got over his colic and now is standing there bored, the prom has ended up in the ballroom of this Mansion, the other riders and us four helped with the directions of where to go, right now, im up in Gin's room getting my hair done, i decided to have a side bun with bangs loose, then i have to get into my teal blue dress with a ribbon around my waist. Barnie says that we would ride side saddle into the yard of the ballroom, to make our entrance. This is gonna be great. In a few months time im going to be finally 18. Me and Gin went down the stairs, we were wearing our tall riding boots with black tights, Gin had the same design as me but a sapphire dress with white ribbon. Me and Gin went to the barn and see Barnie standing there with a smart riders outfit while holding Storm and Destiny.

"Beautiful girls, here you go, go into the arena, to get used to the saddle, trotting and walking only, dont dirty your dresses" Barnie said, i hopped onto Storm

"Thanks" Gin said, we walked into the arena, we ended up watching the limos come and drop people off,

"Its 8:00PM we go in at 8:30PM" I say to Gin, we see the boys, in their riders outfit with tall boots, typical, Every other boy is in a tux, but Tanner and Taylor have their ties to match our dresses,

Barnie did a good job on our horses, especially Destiny's big white patches, they look like it had been painted white, Storm looks glossy and beautiful, his mane pulled neatly and his tail is smooth,

Its time.

Me and Gin went to the entrance of the ballroom courtyard, there is a long archway, we decided to trot for half of it and walk the rest, well actually the opposite,

"Lets trot" Gin said and trotted on, we trotted side my side and heard the horses shoes on the concrete ground, we drew closer and we saw Tanner and Taylor outside with girls hanging around them, the boys of course are ignoring them, The girls looked in our direction and we got some more attention, we decided to canter the rest, and we stopped when we were at the end of the archway, I jumped off Storm and took off his saddle and bridle and sent him into the paddock next to the archway, Taylor and Tanner had their mouths agape, Taylor had the same colour tie as my dress.

"I see why you told me to wear this colour tie, come on lets have a dance" Taylor said holding his arm for me to take, I took his arm and we went in and started dancing, Barnie made sure the doors to anywhere were locked so no one would roam the house incase there were alcohol so she wanted the mess in one room, no where else


The guests had left and the music was still playing and the maids were cleaning and, Kaleb and Daisy were dancing (Venom in my thoughts) Sam and a girl, Tanner and Gin, Coach Finns and Barnie and of course, me and Taylor.

It was slow, romantic music,

After cleaning everyone said goodbye to Sam, Kaleb and Daisy for good, except me because they betrayed me by coming here, Taylor led me to my room, He went out so i could change into comfy clothes. And my hair is stuck in the zip, I had let my hair out to redo for bed,

"Taylor, can you help me" I called out,

Taylor came in,

"What do i do?" He asked

"My hair is stuck in the zip" i complained, pouting at him

"Fine" he said and went to my zip and unhooked it and and shoved him out so i could change into comfy clothes. He came back in,

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