Chapter 18.

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I woke up with the sun shining through the big windows. Lighting up the big beautiful room, Xander got me. But something was missing.


But that was until I could hear the shower turn off.

Oh...he's showering...

Out from the bathroom, that's connected with my room, comes a half naked Xander. He has a towel, around his waist. Dangerously low...those tattoos too...they are sooo beautiful!

"Good morning." He says as he is smirking at me. He saw that I was drooling at him.

"G-Good morning..." I said. Looking down in my lap, as I now am in a sitting position.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, now walking towards me.

"It was good. Yours?" I said, looking him in the eyes.

"It was also good. I gotta ask you something..." he said looking down on the floor.

"Yes?" I said back.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked me. Walking more towards me.

He's now standing right in front of me. Looking down at me.

"I-I." I didn't know what to say. How do you even answer that!?

"Can I?" He asked again. Making my heart race.

"Y-Yes," I said. And with no time to waste, his lips were on mine. I didn't know how to react, But my lips found the same sync as his. It was a slow kiss. That's making your toes curl. His tongue brushed my lip, asking for my permission. I accepted...

His kiss was almost desperate. Like he would lose me if he let me go. My hands found his dark brown, curly hair. And his hands found my neck. Pulling me closer if even possibly. We both pulled away, to finally get to breathe. A string of our saliva still connecting us.

He gave me a peck on the lips, making the string disappear. Our foreheads against each other. He broke the silence with.

"I would want to take you to Italy." He said. Making me open my eyes.

Italy!? I've never been outside the states!

"Bu-But I don't have the money!? An-And I've never been outside the states?." I started to panic. I don't have money!!

"Hey, Evangeline! Did you forget that I am a mafia leader? And a billionaire..." he said, smirking at me. Making me blush and close my mouth.

"Right..." I said, looking down at his lips.



"But what are we gonna do in Italy?" I asked, confused why he asked me.

"Well, I got some Business down there, And you if someone deserves a little vacation. And Family is living down there." He said, looking me in the eyes. His family maybe seems to be a soft object.

"Okay. I follow you...when do we leave?" I asked.

"In a few hours. So pack everything you need. Andre, Alex, and Leo will come too." He said and stood straight.

"IN A FEW HOURS!? OMG, I NEED TO PACK NOW!!" I said, standing up from the bed. But being embraced by Xander quickly.

He kissed my lips again, making me calm. His hand caressing my cheek.

He looked down at my thigh. Where the fresh cut is from Javier, yesterday. His face fast turned to sadness and anger.

"Go and shower, I get Alena to pack for you." He said. Now pulling away.

"Right! How's Alena? Is she okay!?" I asked as I remembered her.

"Yeah, she's fine. Go and shower. When you're done, we will drive to the airport." He said. Giving me a faint smirk.

He's worried.



"I am fine. This isn't something new you know?" I said to him.

"Yeah, I know...that's the reason it makes me angry..." he said. And got out thru the door, leaving me in my room.

Well...I guess I'll go and shower then.

After a nice hot shower, and a pair of minutes in the mirror, I went downstairs. I was meet by all the guys, Alex, Andre, Xander, and Leo.

Hmm...maybe this is the time to get to know Leo?

"Hey, let's go. We're all done now." Andre said, taking his arm around my neck. Walking me out.

We sat in 2 different cars. Me, Xander, and Leo in one, And Alex and Andre in one. It was one hours drive to the airport. So I slept the whole ride. I woke up to Xander waking me up. He opened the door for me and took my hand. Some guys got all our bags in a private jet. It was big and black.


"You ready?" I heard Xander asking me, from beside me. Holding my hand, squeezing it gently.

"Yeah..." I said as I breathed out.

Bye United States...Hello Italy.


Omg!! They kissed once again!!!😍

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