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This specific figure's backstory is somewhat odd but here we go


Jack continued pressing the buttons on the remote. Idly watching the different channels pop up before changing once again. Nothing good ever really same on during the weekends,shockingly. Nothing but 'paid programming' and other stupid t.v shows he didn't enjoy. Sighing,the collage student rose from the sofa,making his way to the dest on the right side of the room next to his bed. He had already finished all his homework,finishing most of it in class that day. Unlike his roomate,Jack could get his work done fast enough to have the rest of the day to himself to do whatever he pleased.

He wasn't in the mood to play any video games. He didn't really want to drive out anywhere either. Swiping his black hoodie off the chair,Jack slipped it on and left his dorm closing the door behind him. A nice walk around campus should do the trick he thought. Fresh air always usually calmed him, If not at least it always helped him think. Lately he had been feeling...odd. He knew it wasn't his body,or collage itself. He didn't have any girlfriends to worry about. It gave him a headache he was thinking so hard. Jack rubbed his temples,pushing the door leading outside with his foot. A gust of wind swept across the door slamming it shut behind him.

It was around 6 pm, the sky was mixed with both orange and blue. The further the sky grew the darker it got. Curfew was shockingly at 12 o'clock Midnight. He never really questioned it vocally, but always wondered why it was so late. Usually curfew was around 8 pm where he lived.

''Hi Jack!'' The male looked up to see one of the girls from his class. She most likely left class, considering she still had her bookbag on her shoulder. Jack half smiled and rose a hand to greet her. It was--oh, What was her name? Jenny! Jenny Smith.

''Hey Jenny. Just leaving class?''Jenny smiled and nodded her head, adjusting the strap. ''It's pretty late, what made you stay so long?'' The girls smile lost it's brightness for a split second before reviving.

''Oh...just a study session. We have finals coming up soon ya know. Best to stay on the ball.''She giggled tucking her hair behind her ear. ''What are you doing out here anyway? It's gonna storm tonight.'' Jack shrugged his shoulders before eyeing the sky, smelling the air for moisture. Yep it would rain any second.

''Just came out for some fresh air that's all. I got all my homework done for class and stuff. Didn't feel like playing any video games or watching t.v. So i came out here instead.'' Jenny nodded her head every so often, to show she was paying attention, and smiled again.

''Hehe,well you got your air. I gotta go though,I'll see you later!'' Before jack could reply with a goodbye, the girl quickly dashed off past him, following the sidewalk up and around the side of the dorms. Jack rose a brow in curiosity, his mind spinning with questions. Only to have it cut off by a drop of rain--then another then another.

He ran back to his dorm to get inside, not wanting to get to soaked. Another slam rose behind him jack started shaking his fingers through his hair, sending water droplets everywhere wiping the rain off his coat and face. He started fishing through his pockets looking for his key humming up a random tune while heading to his dorm. He stopped walking for a second and thought to himself where is everyone its a friday afternoon and no one is around....creepy.

Jack began to unlock his door, shoving his keys in his back pocket after the door closed behind him. ''Yo greg you there?'' No response. Just the sound of rain hitting against the windows. ''Huh...guess hes studying too...'' That's the first he thought to himself. He made his way over to his bed, slumping down getting ready to go to sleep. He pulled off his hoodie, kicked his shoes off, and rolled over to face the wall, not even bothering with the covers. He just wanted some sleep. Closing his eyes, Jack slowly began dozing off the sound of the rain making it easy.

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