𝐈. ❝ 𝘼 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 ❞

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𝐈.  ❝ 𝘈 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 

  ❝ 𝘈 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 ❞

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   The sound of the clock ringing woke y/n up. They groaned, slamming the alarm clock off the table. The sun was shining bright, the smell of pancakes and lemonade in the air. Y/n got up and fixed themselves up. 

   "Hey dad," Y/n said taking a seat down on the dinner table, "Hey honey, has your mum called you yet? I'm sure she remembered that your brothers are going to stay at her place tomorrow?"
 —"I think so, she'll call later" Y/n replied taking a bite of the pancake in front of them, "Okay," their dad said. 

  Y/n was on their way to school when a certain girl bumped into them, "God!" They exclaimed coffee spilt all over their white T-shirt, " Oh my god, I am so sorry- I didn't mean to- you know what nevermind, I'll help you clean up!" the girl said taking tissues out of her bag, "No it's okay, I have an extra shirt.." y/n muttered, "oh, um well my name is Daisy! nice to meet you" Daisy said taking her hand out for y/n to shake, y/n hesitantly accepted the handshake.

"So, what school do you go to?" Daisy said with a smile on her face, "Park Vista Community High school" Daisy's eyes lit up, "Oh same! So what are you? I'm a freshman!" Y/n just nodded, "So you are too? Cool! I can't believe on the first day I already have a friend, can't wait to tell my parents".

After a bit of conversating, they finally reached the school. The halls were crowded with people, popular kids, stoners, scene kids, and all of those clique's. It seemed decent, kids were bumping into each other, different scents mixed up which has always been a problem; The mix of men's perfume and weed didn't really mix well, well to y/n at least. 

The halls were about empty now, y/n and Daisy are still trying to look for the office. "Um well, I don't know where the office is but I'm sure we can someone- Oh! over there," Daisy said pointing at a guy with curly hair, "I don't want to bother him" – "Nonsense, we won't bother him! we're just asking for directions, I'm sure he knows now let's go!" Y/n got dragged by daisy to the boy. "Hello, um we were just wondering if you know where the office is?" The boy turned around, he had Hazel eyes, "Oh the office? It's right in the corner, just go straight and turn right, then I'm pretty sure you can find it there" Daisy hugged the guy, "Oh thank you so much! you are a lifesaver!" She let go of him, "Hi I'm Daisy! and this is Y/n, my best friend!" Y/n coughed, "Friend", "Yeah whatever! Your name?" the boy stared blankly at the two then shook his head "Sorry uh, I'm Justin Laboy". 

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Justin, let's go daisy before we become late"—"I'm sure we can still-" Y/n cut Daisy off, "Now". 

As y/n and Daisy ran off to find the office, Justin was left there with a puzzled look on his face, "Bye?" He said quietly turning back to his locker. 

The class wasn't as good as y/n thought, people were barely listening to the teacher well some were like Jeniffer Black, Cassandra Miller, Damien Knight and basically what people would call "Nerds"; The teacher wasn't discussing anything important, it was the first day, after all, nothing happens on the first day. 


It was the end of the day. Y/n and Daisy separated ways; As soon as y/n got home they laid on their bed, thinking about how they made friends so easily with people now, but their mind suddenly wondered about the boy they and Daisy had met, they remembered how he was surrounded by this positive aura, it felt like he could light up anybody's mood and Daisy, she is so nice. Y/n thought to themself how did I meet good people on the first day? cause you know in books, some books, they meet the bullies and so on yeah. 

Y/n slowly drifted to sleep, thinking about their new friends. They wonder what's it's gonna be like tomorrow.


words : 733
note : hey ya'll! sorry if this is a bit lacklustre, this chapter was rushed; Anyways how is it? do you think it's good or even decent? I want everybody's opinions. I hope you all have a good day! Have you drunk water? Have you eaten? If you haven't eaten yet please go eat <3 even just a little bit, treat yourself today :) and drink lots of water too! Not too much, just enough! If you have eaten already and drank some water then I'm so proud of you bby! Everything's gonna be okay! I'm here for you, I love you and care for you, goodbye now! See you in the next update :)

+ I would really appreciate it if you would follow me or even just a vote! It could help a small writer like me grow and leaving criticisms is also okay! I love criticisms sm cause it helps me develop to become a good writer and esp since I am still young so yep! I follow and a vote would be very much appreciated but isn't needed! You can also comment, I would love to have a chat w you <3 ilsym hope you have a great night/morning/afternoon, or whatever time you're reading this <33

- Stephanie

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